Barack’s World

Barack’s World

Barack’s World


This section of Discover The Networks examines Barack Obama’s connections to a number of key individuals and organizations. In some cases, these affiliates are notable for the leftist views and objectives they share with Obama. In other cases, they are notable for their collaboration with Obama in controversial or unethical activities. In all cases, they offer a window into Barack Obama’s values and priorities. Taken as a whole, they verify Thomas Sowell’s observation that Obama has “spent decades aiding and abetting people who hate America.”

Radical and Socialist Influences:

Alinsky, Saul
Al-Mansour, Khalid Abdullah Tariq
Ayers, Bill
Davidson, Carl
Davis, Frank Marshall
Dohrn, Bernardine
Klonsky, Mike
McKnight, John L.
Young, Quentin

Political Allies, Advisors, and Appointees:

Abunimah, Ali
Adegbile, Debo
Alikhan, Arif
Asbahi, Mazen
Axelrod, David
Bauer, Robert
Becker, Craig
Berwick, Donald
Bhargava, Deepak
Biden, Joseph
Bloom, Ron
Brennan, John
Brooks, Rosa
Browner, Carol
Burger, Anna
Burwell, Sylvia Mathews
Chu, Steven
Clinton, Hillary
Cole, James
Craig, Gregg
Creamer, Robert
Cutter, Stephanie
Dreier, Peter
Dunn, Anita
Emanuel, Rahm
Evans, Jodie
Freeman, Charles
Gamble, Kenny
Gaspard, Patrick
Geithner, Timothy
Gerard, Leo
Gordon, Philip
Gruber, Jonathan
Hagel, Chuck
Hamilton, David
Holbrooke, Richard
Holder, Eric
Holdren, John
Hurwitz, Andrew
Husaini, Minha
Jennings, Kevin
Jarrett, Valerie
Johnsen, Dawn
Johnson, Jim
Jones, Van
Jorge, Margarida
Kagan, Elena
Katz, Marilyn
King, Bob
Klain, Ronald
Koh, Harold
Lake, Anthony
Lewis, Bertha
Lloyd, Mark
Loretta Lynch
Magid, Mohamed
Malley, Robert
McDonough, Denis
Medina, Eliseo
Millett, Patricia
Mitchell, George
Mogahed, Dalia
Munoz, Cecilia
Napolitano, Janet
Odinga, Raila
Orris, Peter
Palmer, Alice
Pariser, Eli
Perez, Thomas
Pillard, Cornelia
Posner, Michael
Power, Samantha
Pritzker, Penny
Psaki, Jen
Rhodes, Benjamin
Rice, Susan
Richardson, Bill
Rogers, Joel
Rosenthal, Hannah
Salazar, Ken
Sciutto, Jim
Sebelius, Kathleen
Sharpton, Al
Shora, Kareem
Shora, Nawar
Solis, Hilda
Soros, George
Sotomayor, Sonia
Stern, Andrew
Sunstein, Cass
Sutley, Nancy
Tauscher, Ellen
Tillman, Dorothy
Trowbridge, Carolyn
Trumka, Richard
Warren, Elizabeth
West, Tony
Wheeler, Joyce
Wheeler, Tim
Wilkins, Robert
Wright, Wilhelmina
Yellen, Janet
Young, Quentin
Zoi, Cathy

Religious Affiliations:

Farrakan, Louis
Lowery, Joseph
Meeks, James
Moss, Otis
Pfleger, Michael
Sharpton, Al
Wallis, Jim
Wright, Jeremiah

Academic Affiliations:

Khalidi, Rashid
Said, Edward
West, Cornel

Money Scandals:

Auchi, Nadhmi
Blackwell, Robert Jr.
Rezko, Tony


Obama, Michelle
Obama, Abon’go Malik

Fannie Mae Connections:

Johnson, James
Raines, Franklin

Organizational Affiliations:

American Constitution Society
Americans United for Change
Apollo Alliance
Arab American Action Network
Barack H. Obama Foundation
Building One America
Catholic Campaign for Human Development
Center for American Progress
Center for Community Change
Chicago Annenberg Challenge
Chicago Climate Exchange
Civis Analytics
Common Purpose Project
Congressional Black Caucus
Daily Kos
Davis, Miner, Barnhill & Galland, P.C.
Democracy Alliance
Democracy For America
Democratic Party
Democratic Socialists of America
Enroll America
Free Press
Gamaliel Foundation
Health Care for America Now
Institute for America’s Future
International Crisis Group
J Street
Movement for a Democratic Society
National Council of La Raza
New Democrat Network
New Party
One Voice International
Organizing for Action
Organizing for America
People Improving Communities Through Organizing
Physicians for a National Health Program
Planned Parenthood Federation of America
Presidential Climate Action Project
Progressive America Rising
Progressives for Obama
Project Vote
Public Allies
Rebuild and Renew America Now
Secretary of State Project
Service Employees International Union
Socialist Scholars Conference
Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement
Students for a Democratic Society
United to Protect Democracy
Weatherman / Weather Underground
Working Families Party


Joyce Foundation
Woods Fund of Chicago


Nobel Peace Prize


Alexander, Elizabeth

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