Greg Craig

Greg Craig

Photo from Wikimedia Commons / Author of Photo: Tami Heilemann, Department of the Interior Staff


* Defense attorney
* Represented former Bolivian Defense Minister Carlos Sanchez-Berzain in “crimes against humanity” trial
* Represented UN Secretary General Kofi Annan in the 2004 investigation of the scandalous Oil-for-Food program
* Represented Panamanian National Assembly president Pedro Miguel Gonzalez-Pinzon, responsible for the 1992 murder of a U.S. Army soldier
* Former adviser to Senator Ted Kennedy
* Foreign policy adviser to presidential candidate Barack Obama in 2008

An antiwar protester in the 1960s, Greg Craig is an attorney who served as a senior adviser (on defense, foreign policy, and national security issues) to Senator Ted Kennedy from 1974 to 1988. In 1997 he was appointed by Secretary of State Madeleine Albright as a senior adviser and a director of policy planning for the Bill Clinton administration. In 2008 he was a top foreign policy adviser to presidential candidate Barack Obama.

Nicknamed by some “the lawyer of the left,” Craig has provided legal representation for a host of controversial defendants over the course of his professional career. According to the American Future Fund, a nonprofit organization that seeks to provide conservatives with “a mechanism to communicate … on the issues that most … concern them,” Craig “has a history of defending corrupt foreign leaders and murderers.”

One of Craig’s clients was John Hinckley Jr., the would-be assassin who shot President Ronald Reagan in 1981. According to WorldNetDaily, “Craig was reportedly the architect of Hinckley’s successful defense in which he was found not guilty by reason of insanity, even though reports by the federal prosecution found Hinckley sane.”

In 1991 Craig represented Ted Kennedy and his accused nephew, William Kennedy Smith, in a Florida rape case where the young defendant was acquitted of the charges against him.

In 1998 Craig defended Bill Clinton during the impeachment hearings over the Monica Lewinsky sex scandal.

In the infamous Elian Gonzalez child custody case of 2000, Craig successfully represented Juan Miguel Gonzalez, the Cuban father of six-year-old Elian. Craig reportedly played a significant role in the decision to have U.S. marshals seize the boy and return him to Cuba, an outcome that was widely viewed as a victory for Fidel Castro.

Craig also defended former Bolivian Defense Minister Carlos Sanchez-Berzain, who was charged with “crimes against humanity” for having suppressed labor union riots in 2003 by ordering his army to massacre scores of unarmed civilians.

In 2004 Craig was counsel for then-United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan during investigations into the scandalous UN Oil-for-Food Program, which had allowed Iraqi president Saddam Hussein to skim more than $21 billion from its coffers.

Craig also has represented Panamanian National Assembly president Pedro Miguel Gonzalez-Pinzon, a Manuel Noriega loyalist who is believed to have been responsible for the 1992 murder of U.S. Army soldier Zak Hernandez Laporte and the attempted murder of another American soldier. According to a January 2008 Dallas Morning News editorial, “The murder indictment, combined with Mr. Gonzalez’s leadership position, is hindering bilateral relations and causing a new U.S.-Panama free trade accord to stall in the Senate, where Mr. Obama holds office.”

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