Global Campaign for Climate Action (GCCA)

Global Campaign for Climate Action (GCCA)


* Dedicated to implementing far-reaching intergovernmental global-warming regulations
* Views global-warming regulation as a means of attain worldwide wealth redistribution
* Its partners include hundreds of far-left organizations such as Greenpeace and the Apollo Alliance.

The Global Campaign for Climate Action (GCCA) is a Montreal-based group dedicated to achieving international carbon-emission regulation. Contending that the world is facing an imminent global-warming catastrophe, GCCA — in conjunction with its numerous partner organizations — seeks to cultivate public support for inter-governmental regulatory schemes that would redistribute wealth from leading industrialized nations to poor nations, on the theory that the former have created a great deal of pollution that has harmed the latter.

GCCA’s “public face” is the “TckTckTck” campaign under which most of the organization’s major activities are conducted. The campaign’s name was chosen to evoke images of a ticking clock, and to thereby convey a sense of urgency regarding the need for measures to curtail global warming. TckTckTck began as a partnership between Kofi Annan’s Global Humanitarian Forum and GCCA.

GCCA’s foundational principles are: (a) that global warming is an incontrovertible ecological phenomenon; (b) that it is manmade; (c) that drastic intergovernmental regulations must be passed in order to avert imminent environmental catastrophe; and (d) that Third World nations must be compensated for suffering the effects of global warming, especially considering their negligible levels of carbon emissions.

GCCA was formally started in 2008, in preparation for the 2009 climate-change summit held in Copenhagen. The group’s purpose was to build momentum for an agreement on dramatic global-warming regulation at the summit. Its partner organizations, which take a collaborative approach to environmental movement-building (“public mobilization”), are headquartered in various countries around the world. Most GCCA-related events are publicity campaigns. For example, in September of 2009 GCCA partnered with Avaaz, the City of New York, the Climate Group, Oxfam, the United Nations, the UN Foundation, and others to host “Climate Week” in New York City.

GCCA’s board chair is Kumi Naidoo, who also serves as co-chair of the Global Call to Action Against Poverty (GCAP) and was formerly affiliated with Greenpeace International. (A partner organization to the GCCA’s TckTckTck campaign, GCAP is a coalition of thousands of organizations working in tandem toward an agenda of radical global socialism.)

Naidoo was originally an anti-apartheid activist in South Africa before turning to environmental activism later in his career. He has called inaction on global warming a “daily passive genocide.” Candidly characterizing anti-global-warming legislation as a means of achieving worldwide wealth redistribution, Naidoo states: “It is natural to do environmental work if one is interested in global poverty. I consider poverty advocacy and environmental advocacy as two sides of the same coin.”

Assrting that the impoverished suffer disproportionately from global warming, Naidoo believes “[t]hey should therefore receive significant financing to help them adapt to the impact of climate change, recognizing the historical responsibility…. Greenpeace has been calling for a minimum of $140 billion and African countries have been calling for $200 billion.”

Naidoo also calls for a drastically reduced standard of living in First World nations, in order to equalize energy use and material consumption worldwide: “[I]f we are serious about creating a sustainable and just world for our kids and grandkids, we have to realize that we also have to challenge certain assumptions we have about our consumption patterns. And the inequality of consumption of stuff is just overwhelming.”

Other GCCA board members include Peter Bahouth of the U.S. Climate Action Network, Barry Coates of Oxfam NZ, Morné Duplessis of the World Wildlife Fund-South Africa, Christiaan Hogenhuis of the World Council of Churches, and Alden Meyer of the Union of Concerned Scientists.

GCCA partners include:, Amnesty International, the Apollo Alliance, Avaaz, Campus Progress, Caritas Internationalis, Change to Win, Christian Aid, Greenpeace International, the International Federation of Human Rights, the League of Conservation Voters, the National Council of Churches, the Natural Resources Defense Council, Oxfam International, the Pew Charitable Trusts, Physicians for Social Responsibility, the Rainforest Action Network, the Service Employees International Union, the Sierra Club, the Union of Concerned Scientists, the U.S. Climate Action Network, the World Council of Churches, the World Resources Institute, and the World Wildlife Fund International.

GCCA has received funding from the Better World Fund, an affiliate of the Turner Foundation; the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation; and the Government of Quebec.

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