Billionaires for Open Borders

Billionaires for Open Borders

Billionaires for Open Borders


The National Immigration Forum (NIF) organized an October 29, 2013 “fly-in” of some 600 people to lobby House Republicans to pass a comprehensive immigration reform bill that had been drafted several months earlier by the so-called “Gang of Eight” U.S. Senators. Among those who co-hosted the October 29 event were some of the wealthiest people in the world:

  • George Soros (#19 on the Forbes 400 list);
  • Partnership for a New American Economy, whose co-chairmen included Michael Bloomberg (#10 on the Forbes 400), Steve Ballmer (#21), Rupert Murdoch (#30), Douglas M. Baker Jr. (#161), and Bill Marriott (#296);
  •, founded by Mark Zuckerberg (#20), and some of its supporters such as Bill Gates (#1), Eric Schmidt (#49), Reid Hoffman (#103), John Doerr (#184), Stanley Druckenmiller (#184), John Fisher (#193), Barry Diller (#260), Sean Parker (#273), Jim Bryer (#352), Mark Pincus (was #212 in 2011), Matt Cohler (worth $400 million), Fred Wilson (#16 on Forbes Midas List of top tech investors), Ron Conway (#41 on the Midas List), and Richard Kramlich (#73 on the Midas List).

In addition to the names above were many multi-millionaires and even billionaires whose total assets were not quite as immense.

– Source: Soros & Fellow Billionaires for Open Borders Lobby GOP on Amnesty, by Mark Krikorian (October 29, 2013).

Additional Resources:

Soros & Fellow Billionaires for Open Borders Lobby GOP on Amnesty
By Mark Krikorian
October 29, 2013

America’s Richest Billionaires Support Open Borders
By Free West Media
July 24, 2019

Mexico’s Open-Borders Billionaire: Carlos Slim
By Alan Wall
Summer 2014

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