Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs (IMMA)

Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs (IMMA)


* Devoted to the study of Muslim communities in non-Muslim societies
* Founded by Abdullah Omar Naseef, an Islamic extremist with ties to al Qaeda and the Muslim World League
* Has close ties to Saleha Abedin, Huma Abedin, and Hassan Abedin

The Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs (IMMA) describes itself as “the only scholarly institution dedicated to the systematic study of Muslim communities in non-Muslim societies around the world.” Its mission is “to generate and stimulate research and to encourage exchange and cooperative relations among persons engaged in the scientific study of Muslim minority communities.” From IMMA’s inception, the centerpiece of its activities has been the production and distribution of its in-house social-science journal, known as the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs Journal from 1979-1995, and the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs (JMMA) since 1996. It is published three times per year—each April, August and December. The journal’s 18-member editorial board includes such notables as John Esposito (who has served on the board since 1996), Ali al-Mazrui, and John Voll.

IMMA was founded in 1979 by Abdullah Omar Naseef, then-vice president of Saudi Arabia’s prestigious King Abdulaziz University; Naseef was also an Islamic extremist with a significant history of ties to al Qaeda. As he prepared to launch his new organization, Naseef in 1978 recruited Dr. Zyed Abedin, an Indian-born academic who had been his colleague at the University in the early Seventies, to serve as managing editor of the JMMA. Agreeing to accept that position, Abedin, who resided in Kalamazoo, Michigan at the time, relocated to Saudi Arabia with his two-year-old daughter, Huma Abedin, and his wife, Saleha Abedin. Saleha, a pro-Sharia advocate with close ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, would play a major role in helping her husband shape the content of the Journal.

In 1983 (four years after establishing IMMA), Abdullah Omar Naseef became secretary-general of the Muslim World League (MWL)—a fundamentalist group with links to Osama bin Laden; Naseef would retain that post for a decade.

In its early years, IMMA’s day-to-day operations were managed chiefly by a key MWL ally, the World Assembly of Muslim Youth, infamous for indoctrinating young Muslims in supremacist ideology and giving financial support to al Qaeda and Hamas.

In 1988 Abdullah Omar Naseef created a Pakistan-based pseudo-charity known as the Rabita Trust, which, because of its own connections with bin Laden, was eventually designated as a foreign terrorist organization by the U.S. government.

When Zyed Abedin died in 1993, his widow, Saleha Abedin, took the reins of JMMA, where she remains editor-in-chief to this day.

Abdullah Omar Naseef, for his part, served on the IMMA board of directors until December 2003, at which time he suddenly left the organization. His departure occurred at a time when the United Nations, the United States, and a number of other countries were openly declaring that various charities affiliated with Naseef’s MWL were in fact illegal terrorism fronts. In 2004, moreover, Naseef was named as a defendant in a multi-trillion-dollar civil lawsuit filed by the surviving relatives of many victims who had died in the 9/11 al Qaeda attacks.

Another noteworthy figure associated with IMMA is the aforementioned Huma Abedin, who worked for the Institute from 1996-2008; she spent the last six of those years (2002-2008) as a member of the JMMA editorial board. Huma’s brother, Hassan Abedin, has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and currently serves as an associate editor at JMMA.

IMMA and the Stealth Jihad

In August 2012, journalist Walid Shoebat presented some vitally important revelations about IMMA’s earliest roots and its animating objectives. In the course of research he was doing on Zyed Abedin, Shoebat came across a document that had been commissioned by the late (Saudi) King Fahd bin Abdul Aziz, titled The Efforts of the Servant of the Two Holy Places to Support The Muslim Minorities. This manifesto consists of 29 separate works, one of which is Dr. Abedin’s Muslim Minorities in the West (published in 1998). The manifesto explains “Muslim Minority Affairs” not simply as a religious or social concept, but as a calculated foreign policy of the Saudi Ministry of Religious Affairs, designed to achieve the following specific goals:

1) Recruit individual Muslims who live in non-Muslim lands and transform them as a collective unit by establishing Islamic centers, educational programs, mosques, and organizations (like the Islamic Society of North America and the Muslim Students Association) that serve to prevent Muslims from assimilating into the cultures of their non-Muslim host nations.

2) By way of population growth, these Muslim residents of non-Muslim host nations can shift the demographic scales in their own favor, thereby enabling themselves to more effectively advance the Saudi agenda.

3) In a gradual, incremental manner, a Wahhabi-style Sharia system can be implemented in the host nations.

4) Eventually the proliferation of Muslims in the host nations will hit critical mass, tilting those societies toward majority-Muslim status.

5) Ultimately, the host states will join the Muslim commonwealth.

The Efforts of the Servant actually maps out, with statistics and demographic analysis, every nation where Muslim minorities presently exist, with an emphasis on how to “shift the demographic balance” in those places, in “favor” of Muslims. Focusing particular attention on the United States, the manifesto specifically identifies the Islamic organizations and the mosques that have been designated to fulfill the “Muslim Minority Affairs” plan in America.

The “Muslim Minority Affairs” agenda is part of a grand plan to destroy America from within, in a stealth manner, exactly as the Muslim Brotherhood outlined in its 1991 “General Strategic Goal” memorandum. Journalist Andrew C. McCarthy summarizes the strategy as follows:

“The Saudi-constructed, Brotherhood-conducted Islamist infrastructure in the West is on a mission—the ‘Muslim Minority Affairs’ mission. It seeks to grow an unassimilated, aggressive population of Islamic supremacists, who will gradually but dramatically alter the character of the West. Its goal is incrementally to infiltrate sharia principles in our law, our institutions, and our public policy. That means the mission takes direct aim at our liberties, particularly free expression, because [the latter] enables examination and negative criticism of Islamist ideology. It takes aim at our alliance with Israel, because Jews are regarded as enemies and all of ‘Palestine’ as Islamic territory. And it takes aim at our economic system, because sharia regards capitalism as a bane of human existence—there is a reason why the Brotherhood’s American operatives make common cause with the Left on everything from socialized medicine to finance regulation to gun control to surveillance law.”

When Zyed and Saleha Abedin were appointed in the late 1970s to head IMMA and oversee the publication of its Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, they were entrusted with helping to advance this same stealth jihadist agenda.

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