David and Katherine Moore Family Foundation (DKMFF)

David and Katherine Moore Family Foundation (DKMFF)


* Total Assets: $18,571,085 (2018)
* Grants Received: $68,091 (2018)
* Grants Awarded: $1,338,500 (2018)

The David and Katherine Moore Family Foundation (DKMFF) is a member of the Peace and Security Funders Group, an association of foundations, charitable trusts, and individual philanthropists who “make grants or expenditures that contribute to peace and global security.”

Among DKMFF’s more noteworthy grantees are the American Civil Liberties Union, the American Friends Service Committee, the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, the Brennan Center for Justice, the Center for Constitutional Rights, the Center for Reproductive Rights, Demos, the League Of Women Voters, the Mexican-American Legal Defense & Educational Fund, the Minneapolis Foundation, the NAACP Legal Defense & Educational Fund, the Natural Resources Defense Council, Planned Parenthood, and the Union of Concerned Scientists. (For sources of information on DKMFF’s funding activities, click here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.)

To view a list of additional noteworthy grantees of the David and Katherine Moore Family Foundation, click here.

(Information on grantees and monetary amounts courtesy of The Foundation Center, GuideStar, ActivistCash, the Capital Research Center and Undue Influence)

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