Moore: There’s ‘Non-Stop Killing of Our Black and Brown Citizens’

Moore: There’s ‘Non-Stop Killing of Our Black and Brown Citizens’

December 11, 2020

In the latest episode of his weekly podcast Rumble, documentary propagandist Michael Moore claimed insanely that there is “non-stop killing of our black and brown citizens in this country” under “the absolute worst president ever” — Donald Trump.

Speaking with fired CNN contributor Marc Lamont Hill about Hill’s idiotic calls for “prison abolition” and “decarceration” — getting people out of jail and eliminating cash bail — Moore ranted, “We’ve had a year [with] the absolute worst president ever, and it happened this year with a once-in-a-century pandemic. It happened this year and with an uprising over the non-stop killing of our black and brown citizens in this country, and that people finally said, ‘That’s enough.’ … It’s been a powerful and it’s been a revolting year.”

The facts completely contradict Moore’s outrageous claim — not that he cares, since evidence is irrelevant to the left’s racial Narrative about blacks and police-involved shootings.

A Harvard University study in 2016 of more than 1,000 shootings in ten police departments in California, Florida, and Texas concluded that, “On the most extreme use of force – officer-involved shootings – we are unable to detect any racial differences in either the raw data or when accounting for controls.”

Police shot and killed 1,004 people in 2019 — with blacks accounting for 23 percent of those deaths. That percentage has held steady since at least 2017, notes Breitbart News. But leftists like Moore and Hill know that facts can’t counter a Narrative promoted relentlessly throughout a culture owned by Progressives.

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