Janelia Foundation (JF)

Janelia Foundation (JF)


* Assets: $2,277,045 (2017)
* Grants Received: $103,516 (2017)
* Grants Awarded: $110,000 (2017)

Founded in 1988, the Janelia Foundation (JF) is a member of the Peace and Security Funders Group, which is an association of foundations, charitable trusts, and individual philanthropists who “make grants or expenditures that contribute to peace and global security.”

Among JF’s grantees are such groups as the Alliance for Climate Education, the American Friends Service Committee, the Arms Control Association, the Center for International Policy, the Earth Day Network, the Earth Island Institute, the Institute for Policy Studies, the Institute for Public Accuracy, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Maryland PIRG, the Military Families Speak Out Education Fund, the National Priorities Project, the Peace Action Education Fund, Physicians for Social Responsibility, the Public Citizen Foundation, the Sierra Club Foundation, the Sustainable Markets Foundation (in support of 350.org), the USAction Education Fund, Veterans for Peace, and the Women’s Action for a New Direction Education Fund.

(For sources of JF’s grant-making information, click here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.)

A noteworthy member of JF’s board of directors is Tom Z. Collina, who formerly served as executive director of the Institute for Science and International Security, director of global security at the Union of Concerned Scientists, and senior research analyst with the Federation of American Scientists.

To view a list of additional noteworthy grantees of the Janelia Foundation, click here.

(Information on grantees and monetary amounts courtesy of The Foundation Center, GuideStar, ActivistCash, the Capital Research Center and Undue Influence)

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