Sharpton Slams ‘Cuban Voters’ in FL Who Looked to ‘Propaganda’ about Socialism

Sharpton Slams ‘Cuban Voters’ in FL Who Looked to ‘Propaganda’ about Socialism

November 4, 2020

During MSNBC’s election coverage on Tuesday, MSNBC host and race hustler Rev. Al Sharpton tried to explain away President Trump’s election victory in Florida by claiming that a “large Cuban influence, in terms of Cuban voters” bought into “the propaganda that we’re dealing with socialism and all.”

After discussing the voting dynamics in Georgia and North Carolina, Sharpton stated, “We don’t have the same dynamics that we have in Florida, where you have like in Miami-Dade — I think it was Joy [Reid, MSNBC propagandist] pointed out — a large Cuban influence, in terms of Cuban voters who look more to the propaganda that we’re dealing with socialism and all. That offset a large black turnout.”

First, the fact that today’s Democrat party openly embraces socialism and wants to move the country in that direction is demonstrable fact, not “propaganda.” Second, the Cuban community in Florida, as well as Latino communities elsewhere and a growing black voting bloc, surged toward Trump because not because they were brainwashed with propaganda, but because they want off the Democrat plantation, and because they recognize that Trump, not Joe Biden, will lead them out of victimhood and into prosperity.

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