Pringle: Racial, Social Justice a ‘Pillar’ of Educators’ Efforts

Pringle: Racial, Social Justice a ‘Pillar’ of Educators’ Efforts

April 5, 2023

On a panel at the “Summit for Democracy” event on March 28th, Becky Pringle, the president of the National Education Association, declared that racial and social justice are a “pillar” of the union’s efforts.

“Here we are, in the aftermath of Jan 6. Here we are. Looking at rights being taken away from union members, educators, workers, students. The right to learn; the freedom to teach. Right here in our country–in Florida and Texas” Pringle claimed falsely. No one is taking away their rights.

“For us at the NEA, education justice must be about racial justice, it must be about social justice, it must be about climate justice. It must be about all of those things,” Pringle said.

Why? What does any of those things have to do with giving our children a solid, traditional education, the sort that made Americans and our country exceptional? Answer: nothing. Racial, social, and so-called “climate” justice are not about education but about indoctrination into the progressive worldview.

“For our students to be able to come to school ready to learn every day — we can never think of education as an isolated system because everything connects to our students’ ability to learn,” Pringle continued to blather. “So, we have to necessarily talk about housing justice, food inequality, and the reality that we all just went through a global pandemic together and of course it was the most marginalized communities that were already suffering from the inequities in every single social system in this country and every country.”

Fact check: the teachers unions like the NEA fought tooth-and-nail to keep schools closed down during the pandemic and beyond, wreaking untold learning damage on an entire generation of young students.

Pringle went on to state that the NEA operates through “three pillars” including “advocating for education professionals,” “elevating” the teaching profession due to the current teacher shortage in the U.S., and “racial and social justice.”

“We have to be as a union–we have to be the ones that are standing up and demanding those rights for all of our students. Our Black, Brown, API students, our indigenous students, our students with disabilities, our LGBTQ+ students — all of them deserve the right to a high-quality public education.”

Of course they do, as do the white children she neglected to include — but they’re not going to get that high-quality education from anyone in the far-Left, politicized teachers unions like the one Becky Pringle runs.

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