Monday on MSNBC, Nancy Pelosi argued lawmakers had to fund the Postal Service to “save” it from President Trump and Postmaster General Louis DeJoy.
Pelosi told host and propagandist Joy Reid, “Thank you for your attention to this post office issue, which is a matter of concern to Americans across the country. It is, to use the word volcanic. It has been explosive in terms of the response that members, Democratic and Republican, all over the country have received to this assault on this connection that they have, Americans have with each other.”
Pelosi went on to claim that her concern is “meeting the health needs of the American people” by making sure they receive their drug prescriptions in the mail in a timely manner. “And when those medicines come a week, six days late — we keep hearing examples of how late that medication is coming. That’s just one connection. It’s about the health of the American people. It’s also about the health of our democracy as they do this to make an assault on the mail in terms of absentee balloting and the rest.”
What shameless lying. It’s not about the health of the American people. It’s about enabling massive Democrat voter fraud through voting-by-mail.