Michael Moore: Trump’s Base is ‘Fired-Up Insane’

Michael Moore: Trump’s Base is ‘Fired-Up Insane’

June 19, 2019

Documentary filmmaker Michael Moore took to Twitter Wednesday to ask fellow Democrats if they’re ready to take on President Trump’s “fired-up insane base.”

“I watched the whole thing last night,” Moore tweeted, referring to Trump’s reelection speech. “I know no one wants to waste that kind of time even looking at him, but not wanting to see the enormity of the fight ahead doesn’t make it go away. He hasn’t lost one inch of his fired-up insane base. Are u ready?”

The Fahrenheit 11/9 propagandist has been a very vocal opponent of Trump. In a tweet to TV networks airing the President’s State of the Union address in January, he wrote, “You MUST NOT give free air time 2 a known liar. This is a man you have told us lies to us an average of 10 lies a day.”

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