A former Miss Iraq blasted Rep. Ilhan Omar for her “anti-American, anti-Semitic, Muslim Brotherhood agenda” and claimed she is trying to bring Sharia law to the U.S.
In a Twitter battle with the Somali-born Omar, Sarah Idan said, “I dont stand for your anti-American, anti-Semitic, Muslim Brotherhood agenda using this democracy to further YOUR & YOUR FRIENDS Islamic socialism goals of dividing & weakening our country.”
“First was the Middle East, then Europe & now the USA. I fled from the same ideology you’re trying to export [sic] here,” said Idan, who was forced to flee Iraq after posting a selfie of herself with Miss Israel. She later explained in an interview with i24 news, “It’s an ideology of trying to push Islam to make it the ruling system of the country.”
In Arab countries, Idan told The Sara Carter Show, “we call her the Muslim Brotherhood. They are extremist Muslims, Sunni Muslims, who are now working together with Iran against all the Arab countries. They’re working now with Hezbollah, with Turkey, with all that. You know, the thing is about this organization, they are extremist Muslims, they’re Jihadis, and they have this ideology that they want to control the world.”