* Has held leadership positions with numerous Muslim organizations, most notably as president of the Islamic Society of North America
* Former trustee of the North American Islamic Trust
* Former president of the Association of Muslim Scientists and Engineers of North America
Syed Imtiaz Ahmad was born in Lucknow, India in 1941. After graduating with a bachelor’s degree from Panjab University in 1961, he immigrated to Canada where he earned both an MS (1964) and a Ph.D. (1967) in electrical engineering at the University of Ottawa (UO). In 1970 Ahmad took a job as a consultant at UO’s Center for Cybernetic Studies, and three years later he became director of the university’s School of Computer Science.
In 1981 Ahmad joined the Computer Information Systems Department at Eastern Michigan University (EMU), as a fully tenured professor. From July 1994 to December 1996, he took professional leave from EMU in order to fulfill an assignment as dean of the Faculty of Engineering at the International Islamic University of Malaysia.
In addition to his work in academia, Ahmad has held leadership positions with numerous high-profile Islamic organizations, most notably the Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated Islamic Society of North America (ISNA). He served variously as ISNA’s vice president and president (1990-92); chairman of ISNA’s National Convention (1999); an ISNA program executive (2002); vice president and president of ISNA-Canada; chairman of ISNA-Canada School Board; and president of the ISNA Human Development Institute (in Canada).
Ahmad also has served stints as president of the Computer Science Association of Canada, the Association of Pakistani Scientists and Engineers of North America, the Association of Muslim Scientists and Engineers of North America, the Windsor Islamic Association, and the Pakistan Canada Association. At various times he was chairman of the Islamic School Board of Toronto, the Canadian Islamic Trust Foundation, and the Computer Division in the Department of Electrical Engineering at the West Pakistan University of Engineering & Technology. And he was once a trustee of the North American Islamic Trust.
Ahmad currently serves as an emeritus professor at Eastern Michigan University, and as chairman of the Operations Management Committee at the Jahangirabad Institute Technology in India. Over the course of his professional career, he has authored and edited several books on computer hardware, software, and information systems. And he was once editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Science and Technology (published by the U.S.-based Foundation for International Development).
Further Reading: “Syed Imtiaz Ahmad” (The American Muslim).