Voting Record: Anthony Weiner

Voting Record: Anthony Weiner

Voting Record: Anthony Weiner


Over the course of his career as a legislator, Anthony Weiner voted on a variety of major issues as follows: ABORTION & THE RIGHTS OF THE UNBORN NO on H Amdt 95, Prohibiting Use of Federal Funds For Planned Parenthood (2011), a bill to prevent federal funds from being made available to the Planned Parenthood […]

Over the course of his career as a legislator, Anthony Weiner voted on a variety of major issues as follows:


NO on H Amdt 95, Prohibiting Use of Federal Funds For Planned Parenthood (2011), a bill to prevent federal funds from being made available to the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, or to any of its state or local affiliates, for any purpose.

NO on HR 3, Prohibiting Taxpayer Funding of Abortion (2011), a bill to prohibit any federal funds from being used for the purpose of providing abortions, unless the pregnancy is a result of rape or incest, or the woman’s life is in danger because of the pregnancy.

NO on H Amdt 509, Prohibiting Federally Funded Abortion Services (2009), an amendment to prohibit funds from being used to pay for abortions or to cover any part of the costs of a health plan that includes abortion coverage, unless the pregnancy is a result of rape or incest, or the woman’s life is in danger because of the pregnancy.

NO on HR 6099, the Abortion Pain Bill (2006), a bill which mandated that abortion providers, prior to performing an abortion on a fetus older than 20 weeks, inform the mother that: (a) the fetus might feel pain during the procedure, and (b) the use of some pain-reducing drugs may have health risks associated with them.

NO on S 403, the Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act (2006), a bill to prohibit the transportation of a minor across state lines to obtain an abortion without a parent’s (or a legal guardian’s) consent.

YES on H Amdt 209, the Overseas Military Facilities Abortion Amendment (2005), an amendment to end the ban on privately funded abortions at U.S. military facilities overseas.

NO on HR 748, the Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act (2005), a bill to prohibit the transportation of a minor across state lines to obtain an abortion without a parent’s (or a legal guardian’s) consent.

NO on HR 1997, the Unborn Victims of Violence Act (2004), a bill that proposed to make it an added criminal offense for someone to injure or kill a fetus while carrying out a crime against a pregnant woman.

NO on S 3, Prohibit Partial-Birth/Late Term Abortion (2003), a bill to ban the late-term abortion procedure known as “intact dilation and extraction,” commonly referred to as “partial-birth abortion” – except in cases where the mother’s life is endangered by the pregnancy.

NO on HR 760, Prohibit Partial-Birth/Late Term Abortion (2003), a bill to ban the late-term abortion procedure known as “intact dilation and extraction,” commonly referred to as “partial-birth abortion” – except in cases where the mother’s life is endangered by the pregnancy.

NO on HR 503, the Unborn Victims of Violence Act (2001), a bill proposing to make it an added criminal offense for someone to injure or kill a fetus while carrying out a crime against a pregnant woman.

NO on HR 2436, the Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 1999, a bill proposing to make it an added criminal offense for someone to injure or kill a fetus while carrying out a crime against a pregnant woman.


YES on H Amdt 197, the Guantanamo Transfer Plan (2007), an amendment requiring the Secretary of Defense to submit a report to the Congress detailing a plan for the transfer of prisoners out of the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

NO on S 3930, the Military Commissions Act of 2006, a bill to create a military commission to try unlawful enemy combatants for violations of the laws of war.

YES on HR 2975, the Anti-Terrorism Act of 2001, a bill to give the federal government a broad range of powers to combat terrorism, such as: (a) easing restrictions on government wiretap and surveillance operations, and permitting the sharing of such information between some government officials; (b) enhancing security along the United States/Canadian border; and (c) denying U.S. visas to suspected money-launderers.

YES-NO on HR 3162, the USA Patriot Act of 2001; (Click here for details about the Patriot Act.)


YES on HR 1913 – Hate Crimes Expansion (2009), a bill to expand the definition of a hate crime to include felonies motivated by prejudice based on national origin, sexual orientation, or gender identity of the victim.


YES on HR 1429, the Head Start Act of 2007, a bill that authorized five years of funding increases for Head Start, a federal early education program meant to help low-income families; it also allowed Head Start programs to increase the number of their participants by 35 percent, by including children whose families’ incomes were between 100 and 130 percent of the poverty level. (For details about Head Start, click here.)

NO on HR 2210, the Head Start Bill (2003), a bill that would reauthorize Head Start, a federal early education program meant to help low-income families. (For details about Head Start, click here.)


YES on S 181, the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009, a bill that sought to count each paycheck as an offense if a woman’s salary was determined to be unjustly low, and to allow the recovery of back pay for up to two years prior to the complaint in addition to existing penalties.

YES on H Amdt 594, Minimum Wage Increase-Two Year Raise (2000), an amendment to increase the minimum wage from $5.15 per hour to $6.15 per hour over the first year, and more during the second year.

YES on HR 3846, the Minimum Wage Increase Bill (2000), to increase the minimum wage from $5.15 per hour to $6.15 per hour over a one-year period.


YES on HR 2454, Energy and Environmental Law Amendments (2009) (a.k.a. “Cap and Trade”) (Click here for details about Cap and Trade.)

YES on H Amdt 856, the Outer Continental Shelf Amendment (2006), an amendment to continue the prohibition of drilling for natural gas, and to prevent funds allocated in the bill from being used for drilling in the Outer Continental Shelf.

YES on H Amdt 72, the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Drilling Amendment (2005), which sought to strike provisions that had previously allowed oil and gas exploration in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

YES on H Amdt 288, the Corporate Average Fuel Efficiency (CAFE) Amendment (2001), an amendment to increase the CAFE standards of vehicles and to offer incentives for alternative-fuel vehicles.

YES on H Amdt 298, Prohibiting Oil Drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (2001), an amendment to extend the existing prohibition on drilling for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.


YES on HR 1400, the Iran Counter-Proliferation Act of 2007, a bill to increase economic sanctions on Iran and to allow the President to determine if the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps should be considered a foreign terrorist organization.

YES on HR 1954, Iran and Libya Sanctions (2001), a vote to pass a bill that would extend the Iran-Libya Sanctions Act (ILSA) of 1996, which imposed sanctions against companies and individuals that invested in oil and gas industries in Libya and Iran.

YES on H Amdt 1023, the Cuban Economic Embargo Amendment (2000), an amendment to prohibit use of funds to continue the U.S. economic embargo of Cuba.

YES on H Amdt 1029, the Cuban Travel Embargo Amendment (2000), an amendment to prohibit the use of funds to restrict travel to Cuba by U.S. citizens.


NO on S 397, the Firearms Manufacturers Protection Bill (2005), a bill to provide liability protection for manufacturers, dealers or importers of firearms or ammunition, as well as their trade associations, for harm caused by criminal or unlawful misuse.


YES on HR 3590, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (Obamacare)

YES on HR 2, the Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization and Expansion (2009), a bill to expand the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP).

YES on HR 3162, the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), a 2007 bill to expand the Children’s Health Insurance Program.


YES on HR 5281, the DREAM Act (2010), a bill offering permanent legal status to illegal immigrants up to age 35 who arrived in the United States before age 16, provided they complete two years of college (for which they can receive in-state-resident tuition discounts).

YES on H Amdt 1045, Undocumented Immigrants’ Ineligibility for Certain Financial Assistance (2008), an amendment to prevent illegal immigrants from receiving financial assistance under HR 5818, a bill allowing states to obtain loans from the federal government to acquire foreclosed houses and provide housing assistance.

NO on HR 6095, the Immigration Law Enforcement Act of 2006, a bill granting state and local officials the authority to investigate, identify, apprehend, arrest, detain, or transfer illegal immigrants to federal custody.

YES on HR 6061, the Secure Fence Act of 2006, a bill authorizing the construction of an additional 700 miles of double-layered fencing between the U.S and Mexico, and authorizing the Secretary of Homeland Security to take whatever steps are necessary to stop the unlawful entry of immigrants into the U.S.

NO on HR 418, the Real ID Act of 2005, a bill granting the Secretary of Homeland Security the power to set minimal security requirements for state driver licenses and identification cards.

NO on HR 3722, Undocumented Immigrant Emergency Medical Assistance (2004), a bill to: prohibit federal reimbursement of funds to hospitals that provide emergency services to illegal immigrants unless the hospital provides the Secretary of Homeland Security with citizenship and employment records; make employers of certain illegal immigrants financially responsible for the medical treatment of those immigrants; and allow the Secretary of Homeland Security to deport illegal immigrants under Federal immigration law.


NO on H J Res 88, the Same-Sex Marriage Resolution (2006), a bill proposing a constitutional amendment declaring that marriage in the U.S. consists only of the union of a man and a woman, and that federal and state constitutions cannot be construed to require that the status of marriage be conferred on other unions.


NO on HR 4853, Temporary Extension of Tax Relief (2010), a bill to: amend and extend provisions of the “Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001”; extend the period of time in which the allowable credit for the Child Tax Credit can be increased; extend the reduced marriage penalty of $5,000, and the increased credit percentage of 45 percent for taxpayers with 3 or more qualifying children; increase the Alternative Minimum Tax exemption amount for taxpayers other than corporations; and reduce estate taxes.

NO on HR 5638, the Death/Estate Tax Amendment (2006), a bill to reduce estate taxes beginning in 2010.

NO on HR 4297, the Tax Relief Extension Reconciliation Act of 2005, a bill to authorize and extend $69.96 billion in tax credits and cuts through 2010.

NO on HR 8, the Death/Estate Tax Repeal Permanency Act of 2005, a bill to permanently repeal the sunset provision of the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001.

YES on HR 1308, Child Tax Credit Bill (2004), a vote to extend the child tax credit and other expiring tax cuts.

YES on HR 4227, the Middle-Class Alternative Minimum Tax Relief Act of 2004, a bill to extend the previously-available Alternative Minimum Tax relief to 2005.

NO on HR 1836, the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001, a bill to institute $1.35 trillion in tax cuts over an 11-year period.

NO on HR 4810, the Marriage Tax Relief Bill (2000), a bill to provide $89.8 billion over the next five years in tax relief for married couples.

NO on HR 8, the Estate Tax Elimination Act of 2000, a vote to override a veto on a bill that phased out estate and gift taxes by 2010.

NO on HR 3081, the Small Business Tax Fairness Act of 2000, a bill to cut taxes for small businesses by $46 billion over five years.


YES on H Amdt 1114, Allowing the Use of Certain Terms in Within the Intelligence Community (2008), an amendment to prohibit the use of funds to discourage the use of the phrases “jihadist,” “jihad,” “Islamo-facism,” “caliphate,” “Islamist,” or “Islamic terrorist” within the intelligence community or federal government.

NO on HR 4635, the Arming Pilots Against Terrorism Act (2002), a bill to start a program deputizing airline pilots as federal law-enforcement officers and allowing them to carry firearms on airlines to defend against acts of violence.


For a more comprehensive look at Anthony Weiner’s voting record, visit,, and

NOTE: Voting records and legislation descriptions, courtesy of

During his legislative career, Anthony Weiner voted on a variety of key pieces of legislation as follows:

Military, Intelligence, and National Security Issues:

  • against a 1999 proposal “to declare it to be the policy of the United States to deploy a national missile defense”
  • in favor of the Anti-Terrorism Act of 2001, which proposed to ease restrictions on government wiretap and surveillance operations; permit government officials to share with one another the information they obtain from such surveillance operations; strengthen security along the U.S./Canadian border; and deny U.S. visas to suspected money-launderers
  • in favor of the 2001 anti-terrorism measure known as the Patriot Act
  • against a 2002 bill permitting airline pilots to carry firearms for the purpose of defending the aircraft against acts of violence or terrorism
  • in favor of an October 2002 joint resolution authorizing U.S. military action against Iraq
  • against reauthorizing the Patriot Act in 2005
  • against a 2006 amendment which called for allowing the government to use electronic surveillance to investigate suspected terrorist operatives
  • against a 2006 resolution which stated that it was not in America’s national security interest to set an arbitrary date for the withdrawal of its troops from Iraq
  • against a 2007 bill permitting the Director of National Intelligence and the Attorney General to monitor foreign electronic communications which were routed through the United States—provided that the purpose of such monitoring was to obtain “foreign intelligence information” about suspected terrorists
  • in favor of a resolution expressing disapproval of President Bush’s 2007 decision to move ahead with the so-called troop “surge”—the deployment of some 21,500 additional U.S. soldiers in an effort to quell the violent insurgents in Iraq
  • in favor of a 2007 proposal to expedite the transfer of all prisoners who, at that time, were being held in the Guantanamo Bay detention center
  • in favor of a 2007 proposal to begin dramatically reducing the presence of U.S. troops in Iraq by April 1, 2008
  • in favor of a 2010 bill requiring a timetable for U.S. military withdrawal from Afghanistan
  • in favor of a 2011 bill calling for the swift withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan

Immigration, Nationality, and English-Language Issues:

  • against a 2004 bill requiring hospitals to report (to the federal government) illegal aliens who receive emergency medical treatment
  • against the Real ID Act, which proposed, in 2005, to set minimal security requirements for state driver licenses and identification cards
  • against a 2005 bill calling for the construction of some 700 miles of fencing along America’s southern border; the establishment of a system requiring business owners to verify the legal status of all their employees; the detention of any person attempting to enter the U.S. illegally; and an increase in the penalties on anyone attempting to smuggle illegal aliens into the U.S.
  • in favor of a 2006 bill authorizing the construction of 700 miles of double-layered fencing between the U.S. and Mexico
  • against a 2006 proposal to grant state and local officials the authority to investigate, identify, and arrest illegal immigrants
  • in favor of a 2010 bill to grant “conditional nonimmigrant status” to illegal immigrants who meet certain criteria

Taxation and Economic Issues:

  • against a 2000 bill calling for a ten-year, $182 billion tax cut for married couples
  • against a 2000 bill calling for $46 billion in tax cuts for small businesses over a five-year period
  • against a 2000 proposal to phase out estate and gift taxes over a ten-year period
  • against a 2000 bill calling for $89.8 billion in tax cuts for married couples
  • against an 11-year, $1.35 trillion tax-cut plan in 2001
  • against a $350 billion tax-cut bill in 2003
  • against a ten-year, $145 billion tax cut for domestic manufacturers and small corporations in 2004
  • against a 2005 proposal to permanently repeal the estate tax
  • against a 2005 proposal for $56.1 billion in federal spending reductions
  • against a 2006 bill calling for $69.96 billion in tax cuts and credits through 2010, including reductions of capital gains taxes and dividends taxes
  • against a 2006 proposal to reduce estate taxes beginning in 2010
  • in favor of a 2009 bill to prohibit federal funding to the scandal-plagued community organization ACORN
  • in favor of a 2010 bill to raise the maximum estate-tax rate from 35 percent to 45 percent, and to make it more difficult to avoid estate taxes

Energy and Environmental Issues:

Housing Issues:

  • in favor of a 2007 bill to establish an Affordable Housing Fund to provide grants that make rent and home ownership more affordable for low-income families

Election Law Issues:

  • in favor of a 2002 campaign finance reform bill which put restrictions on paid advertising during the weeks just prior to political elections, and tightly regulated the amount of money which political parties and candidates could accept from donors

Gun Rights Issues:

  • against two separate bills – in 2003 and 2005 – to ban lawsuits against gun manufacturers as punishment for violence that is committed with guns
  • against a 2008 bill that would allow Washington, DC residents to possess firearms in their homes, and would repeal the DC ban on possession of semiautomatic weapons

Health Care Issues:

  • in favor of a 2007 bill to expand coverage of the Children’s Health Insurance Program
  • in favor of a 2009 bill to expand coverage of the Children’s Health Insurance Program
  • in favor of the 2010 health care reform bill commonly known as “Obamacare”

Abortion and the Rights of the Unborn:

  • against several bills calling for a ban on the late-term abortion procedure commonly known as partial-birth abortion, in 2000June 2003, and October 2003
  • in favor of a 2000 amendment to permit federal funding for abortion procedures
  • against two separate bills – in 1999 and 2004 – which proposed to make it an added criminal offense for someone to injure or kill a fetus while carrying out a crime against a pregnant woman
  • against separate proposals – in 2005 and 2006 – to prohibit the transportation of a minor across state lines to obtain an abortion without a parent’s (or a legal guardian’s) consent
  • against the Abortion Pain Bill in 2006, which mandated that abortion providers, prior to performing an abortion on a fetus older than 20 weeks, inform the mother that: (a) the fetus might feel pain during the procedure, and (b) the use of some pain-reducing drugs may have health risks associated with them
  • against a 2009 bill to prohibit federal funds from being used to pay for abortions
  • against a 2011 bill to prohibit federal funds from being made available to the scandal-plagued Planned Parenthood Federation of America

For a more comprehensive look at Anthony Weiner’s voting record, visit Project Vote Smart and On The Issues.

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