The Israeli “Occupation”

The Israeli “Occupation”

The Israeli “Occupation”


The term “occupation” is often employed politically, without regard for its general or legal meaning. The use of the term “occupation” in political rhetoric reduces complex situations of competing claims and rights to predefined categories of right and wrong. The term “occupation” is also employed in the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to advance the argument that Israel bears ultimate responsibility for the welfare of the Palestinians, while limiting or denying Israel’s right to defend itself against Palestinian terror, and relieving the Palestinian side of responsibility for its own actions and their consequences. The term is also employed as part of a general assault upon Israel’s legitimacy, in the context of a geopolitical narrative that has little to do with Israel’s status as an occupier under international law.

Under the Interim Agreement between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization of September 28, 1995, it would seem that at least those areas placed under the effective control of the Palestinian Authority, and from which Israel had actually withdrawn its military forces, could no longer be termed “occupied” by Israel. Moreover, since the continued presence of Israeli troops in the area was agreed to and regulated by the Agreement, that presence should no longer be viewed as an occupation.

The [2005] withdrawal of all Israeli military personnel and any Israeli civilian presence in the Gaza Strip, and the subsequent ouster of the Palestinian Authority and the takeover of the area by a Hamas government, surely would constitute a clear end of the Israeli occupation of Gaza. Nevertheless, even though Gaza is no longer under the authority of a hostile army, and despite an absence of the effective control necessary for providing the governmental services required of an occupying power, it is nevertheless argued that Israel remains the occupying power in Gaza.

The text above is excerpted from “Why Is Israel’s Presence in the Territories Still Called ‘Occupation’?” (by Avinoam Sharon, Legacy Heritage Fund, 2009). To view the complete document, click here.



Additional Resources:

Big Lies: Demolishing the Myths of the Propaganda Wars Against Israel
By David Meir-Levi
October 2005

Why Is Israel’s Presence in the Territories Still Called “Occupation”?
By Avinoam Sharon
July 14, 2009

Occupation and Settlement: The Myth and the Reality
By David Meir-Levi
June 5, 2005

What Occupation?
By Efraim Karsh
July-August 2002

Everything You Need to Know About the Israeli Occupation
By Robert Spencer
October 13, 2023


Does Israel Occupy the West Bank?
By Eugene Kontorovich (Prager U)

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