Supporters of Fred Ross, Sr.

Supporters of Fred Ross, Sr.

Supporters of Fred Ross, Sr.



In early 2013, dozens of prominent leftists urged President Barack Obama to award, posthumously, the Presidential Medal of Freedom to the late Fred Ross Sr., a Saul Alinsky-trained radical who mentored both Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta. Among those who exhorted Obama to honor Ross were: Karen BassXavier BecerraKim BoboHeather BoothBarbara BoxerMichael CapuanoWilliam Lacy ClayRosa Delauro, Maria EchavesteSam FarrDiane FeinsteinRaúl Grijalva, Kamala HarrisRoger Hickey, Mike HondaMazie HironoDolores HuertaBenjamin JealousBarbara LeeAlan Lowenthal, Ben Ray LujanMichelle Lujan-GrishamJim McGovern, Grace NapolitanoNancy PelosiFrances Fox PivenCharles RangelRobert ReichLucille Roybal-AllardJan SchakowskyMartin Sheen, Albio SiresHilda Solis, Mark TakanoJuan VargasAntonio Villaraigosa, and Maxine Waters.

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