Scholars and theoreticians have long argued about the compatibility of Islam and democracy…. As the discussion continues, statistical models can be useful to interpret the historical record. While recent studies have reached contradictory conclusions, as more data is considered, a nuanced relationship between Islam and democracy emerges: In all but the poorest countries, Islam is associated with fewer political rights.
Excerpted from “Are Muslim Countries Less Democratic?” (by Frederic Pryor, Middle East Quarterly, Fall 2007). To continue reading, click here.
Are Muslim Countries Less Democratic?
By Frederic Pryor (Middle East Quarterly)
Fall 2007
Islam vs. Democracy
By Martin Kramer
Is Islam Compatible With Democracy?
By Fjordman
April 20, 2007
The Economics of Democracy in Muslim Countries
By Saliba Sarsar and David B. Strohmetz (Middle East Quarterly)
Summer 2008