The left tends to view allegations of interracial crime through the prism of a “guilty white oppressor / innocent black victim” model. An infamous example of this syndrome was the rush to judgment against Duke University lacrosse players in 2006, when a black stripper accused three white members of the team of having beaten, raped and sodomized her during an off-campus party.
Jesse Jackson immediately decried the allegedly long “history of white men and black women and rape and assault.” Al Sharpton claimed that “this case parallels Abner Louima, [a black man] who was raped and sodomized in a bathroom [by a white New York City police officer] like this girl has alleged she was.” Duke English professor Houston Baker condemned the “white male privilege” that had permitted the accused perpetrators of “this horrific, racist incident” to remain “safe under the cover of silent whiteness” which had given them “license to rape, maraud, deploy hate speech and feel proud of themselves in the bargain” — while Duke administrators turned a “blind ey[e]” to the young men’s transgressions. Baker and 87 fellow Duke University professors signed and published a full-page statement lamenting “the anger and fear of many students who know themselves to be objects of racism and sexism, who see illuminated in this moment’s extraordinary spotlight what they live with every day.” When it later became evident that the plaintiff’s claims had been entirely fabricated, and all charges against the defendants were dropped, those who had rushed to judgment generally did not express contrition for having done so.
Viewing America as a hotbed of racism, leftist civil-rights leaders and academics routinely promote the notion that white-on-black violence is a major scourge plaguing the black community. Al Sharpton once said that such violence had reached “epidemic proportions.” Professor Cornel West characterizes African Americans as our country’s “exemplary targets of racial hatred.” Robert Staples, a former professor of sociology at a University of California medical school, has spoken of “a sort of genocide, targeting young black males.” Mary Frances Berry, former chair of the U.S. Civil Rights Commission, says that “the primary explanation for racially motivated violence against blacks has been the need of a segment of the white population to preserve [its] belief in the inferiority of blacks, and to maintain the social and political subordination of an historically outcast group by any means, including violence.”[1]
But in fact, white-on-black crime is a statistical rarity when compared to black-on-white crime. For many years and for a wide variety of crimes, this pattern has been among the most consistent findings of criminal-justice research.
The Color of Crime
By Edwin S. Rubenstein
2016, 2005 & 1999 editions
Using Tragedy for Racial Propaganda
By Heather Mac Donald
May 23, 2022
The Truth About Interracial Violent Crime
By John Perazzo
June 4, 2020
Criminal Victimization, 2019 (See Tables 28 & 29)
By Rachel E. Morgan, Ph.D. and Jennifer L. Truman
September 2020
A Platform of Urban Decline [includes interracial crime stats for 2012-13, 2018]
By Heather Mac Donald
September 23, 2019
Crime in the United States: Expanded Homicide Data (Table 6)
By FBI (Uniform Crime Reports)
Crime in the United States: Expanded Homicide Data (Table 6)
By FBI (Uniform Crime Reports)
Criminal Victimization, 2018 (See Table 14)
Bureau of Justice Statistics
September 2019
Table 42: Personal Crimes of Violence (2010)
By The Bureau of Justice Statistics
Sharpton Is Right: Racism Is Rampant — The Astounding Numbers on Interracial Crime
By John Perazzo
August 21, 2014
A Censored Race War: The Media Ignore Racially Motivated Black-on-White Crimes
By Thomas Sowell
May 15, 2012
Hiding Black Interracial Crimes
By Walter E. Williams
December 26, 2007
Darkness Falls (includes 2012-2015 statistics on interracial crime)
By Heather Mac Donald
May 31, 2020
The Shameful Liberal Exploitation of the Charleston Massacre (includes 2012-2013 statistics on interracial crime)
By Heather Mac Donald
July 1, 2015
A Window into a Depraved Culture (includes 2012-2013 statistics on interracial crime)
By Heather Mac Donald
January 8, 2017
Enough of the Lying – Just Look at the Data. There’s No Epidemic of Racist Police Officers Killing Black Americans
By Law Enforcement Today
June 26, 2020
Is Violent Crime Intraracial?
By William Wilbanks
January 1985
Race and Imprisonment Decisions
By John Kramer and Darrell Steffensmeier
May 1993
Violent Crimes Against Asians
Crime Against Asians Isn’t Due to White Supremacy: The Data Show It
Specific Interracial Crimes
The Wichita Horror: 20th Anniversary
By Jack Kerwick
December 18, 2020
Their Lives Mattered: The Forgotten Victims of Crime in America
By Prager U