Heterodoxy Magazine

Heterodoxy Magazine

Heterodoxy Magazine


Heterodoxy magazine was established by David Horowitz and Peter Collier in April 1992, at about the time when Bill and Hillary Clinton were first rising to national prominence while radicals whom Collier and Horowitz had known in “the Movement” during the ’60s were rising to prominence in American universities. According to Collier:

“Back then their deepest ambition had been to burn the university down. Failing in that objective, as in so many others, they had dived back into academia and gotten onto the tenure track when the revolutionary going got rough in the late 70s. They had accomplished the destruction of the university firelessly, so to speak, by marrying the thoughts of fascist leaning foreign intellectuals such as Paul De Man (who denied the objective existence of truth) to the thoughts of Marxists like Antonio Gramsci, in the intellectual equivalent of the Hitler-Stalin Pact. This putsch, which had taken place silently and in slow motion, had produced a new and sinister phenomenon opponents were calling political correctness, which spread outward like an airborne toxic event into the larger culture. . . . A cultural war had broken out, but our side didn’t have an army in the field.  We decided that there was only one antidote for the new orthodoxy: Heterodoxy.”

Collier continued:

“It could have been an intellectual journal. But it occurred to us that those of us who opposed this new treason of the clerks were in a position similar to the one we had been in [during] the early 60s — a counter-culture fighting against an establishment. (Except that in the historical turning of the tables this ruling elite was now leftist with a deconstructive agenda.) And our publication should therefore resemble the counter cultural underground papers of our wicked youth — irreverent and provocative and willing to enter the house of power and rearrange its furniture. Heterodoxy therefore set out, in the famous formula of A.J. Leibling, to comfort the oppressed and oppress the comfortable. For the next eight years, we attacked the world of PC relentlessly, fingering its villains and forcing them to do the perp walk. We named names. We ridiculed the fatuous. We constructed an intellectual CT-scan of the malignancy that was spreading throughout high culture. Heterodoxy was funny and brash. It took no prisoners.”

After the Clinton presidency ended, Heterodoxy ceased publication because, as Collier puts it, “it seemed to us that the plague had lifted — or that our little combat journal was no longer required.”

This section of Discover The Networks contains numerous issues of Heterodoxy magazine. The link for each issue is followed by a table of contents listing all the articles contained therein.

Additional Resources:

Heterodoxy (January/February 2001)
“Remember the Revolution”
“The Anthropological Association Meets”
“A Letter to Our Readers”
“Politically Seasick On a Nation Cruise”
“The Napalm Girl and Historical Memory”
“America’s Re-education Camps”
“Couple Guilty of Labor Law Violation”

Heterodoxy (November/December 2000)
“The Bad Fight”
“What Do Women Want In Politics?”
“Fighting to His Last Breath In Wisconsin”
“A Gay Political Schism”
“Hot Times In Brown Town”
“A Very Politically Incorrect Young Man”
“Communist China Trashes Its Catholics”
“Supermarket Execs Face Indictment”

Heterodoxy (September/October 2000)
“A Tour of Goredom”
“Confusing the Swoosh With the Swastika”
“Missionaries’ Position In China”
“The Lessons of Hiroshima Yet Again”
“The Mainstream Press Goes Alternative”
“Former Beauty Queen Charges Physician With Harassment”

Heterodoxy (June/July 2000)
“The Cold War On the Reference Shelf: Victory Into Defeat”
“A Hard Egg to Crack: Senator Hillary”
“Night of the Living Dead: The Left Waves the Bloody Shirt In Berkeley”
“Education 451”
“Hanging Up On the Hammer and Sickle”
“Court Ruling Extends Concept of Public Accommodation”

Heterodoxy (April/May 2000)
“Mathematically Challenged”
“Taking Aim at the Control Freaks”
“Vagina Madness In Oklahoma”
“Monologue, Not Dialogue, at Georgetown”
“Death Comes to the Cardinal”
“Couple Avoids Jail: Will Keep Record Store Open”

Heterodoxy (February/March 2000)
“Bones of Contention”
“A Handshake, Not a Hand, from Al Gore”
“Glass Ceilings and Foggy Science”
“Affirmative Action by Any Other Name”
“Overheated Kitchen Puts Family In a Pickle”

Heterodoxy (January 2000)
“PC Madness In Hollywood”
“Lino Graglia’s Ongoing Alamo at the University of Texas”
“To Cuba with Love”
“Leonard Peltier Is No Political Prisoner”
“Why “The Hurricane” Is Hot Air”
“Three-Year-Old Seeks Reinstatement to Preschool”

Heterodoxy (November/December 1999)
“Happy Kwanzaa”
“The Victory of the Conservative College Press”
“Death On Demand”
“Tempest In the Rutgers Teapot”
“Joan of Arc—Guilty as Charged”
“Animal Rights Advocates Protest Law, Create Monster Traffic Jam”

Heterodoxy (October 1999)
“PC Preschool”
“The Moral Fallout of Clintonism”
“To Publish and Perish”
“Prohibition Returns to Campus”
“Ethnic Politics Gets Nasty”
“Cancelling Third World Debt”
“More Adventures In Pamplona”
“Tenor Makes Met Debut”

Heterodoxy (September 1999)
“Not Back to School”
“The End of the Cold War Comes to Canada”
“Earth First, Dirty Tricks, Eco-Mayhem”
“Global Warming Among the Congregations”
“Neighbor Feud Tests New Hate Legislation”

Heterodoxy (June/July 1999)
“Present Dangers”
“Slouching Toward Clinton”
“Ethnic Studies In Our Time”
“A Really Bad School”
“The Newest Racial Oppressor? Standardized Tests”
“Court Rules Landlord Must Pay Tenant’s Medical Bill”

Heterodoxy (April/May 1999)
“Bigots for the American Way”
“A President Rich In Enemies”
“The Decline of the West at Duke”
“Pastors for Castro”
“Feeling Stalin’s Pain”
“Limo Driver Fighting Aggressive Driving Conviction”

Heterodoxy (March 1999)
“Anti-Prison Movement”
“A Real Academic Dialogue at Last”
“It Isn’t Girls Who Are at Risk”
“The Reds and the Blacks”
“Feminist Fibber”
“Board of Ed Says Teacher Must Have Surgery or Lose Job”

Heterodoxy (February 1999)
“Best Witness”
“The Diversity Hoax”
“Fear and Loathing of Cold War America”
“More Mumia Madness”
“Who Is Left?”
“President Creates New Agency: Names Woman First Director”

Heterodoxy (December 1998/January 1999)
“First Fem President Impeached”
“The Anti-war Movement Had It Wrong”
“Black Quotas”
“I, Rigoberta Menchu, Liar”
“The Way We See It”
“Court Rules On Flag Display”

Heterodoxy (November 1998)
“Kafka In Utah”
“Marginalizing Conservative Ideas”
“Jonestown 20 Years Later”
“Graduation Segregation”
“Columbia Ends Free Speech”
“Couple Charged Under Federal Responsible Families Act”

Heterodoxy (October 1998)
“Fashionably Left”
“Battle In Seattle”
“How a Compromised President Embraced a Dictatorship”
“Lesbian Rape”
“Sex and Affirmative Action”
“Katuria’s Bravura”
“Problems from the Socio-Math Classes In San Francisco Schools”

Heterodoxy (September 1998)
“Back to PC School”
“Utopia’s Grave”
“A House Divided”
“Houston Votes Again On Race Preferences”
“Animal Rights Extremism at Princeton”

Heterodoxy (May/June 1998)
“Nitwit Feminism”
“Diversity Hits the Beach at Monterey Bay”
“Walter Cronkite Doesn’t Tell It the Way It Is”
“A sketch of Intellectual Liberation”
“Confessions of a Republican Academic”
“Bar Owner Appeals Employment Ruling”

Heterodoxy (April 1998)
“150 Years of Evil”
“Racial Cubism”
“Prop 226: Put Up Your David Dukes”
“Prop 227: The Guru of Bilingualism”
“Eldridge Cleaver RIP”
“A Glossary of Hate Words”

Heterodoxy (March 1998)
“Modern Slavery”
“The Duty to Die”
“The Rage of a Privileged Class”
“Karl Marx at the L.A. Times”
“Apologizing for Slavery”

Heterodoxy (February 1998)
“The Last Panther”
“The Dark Side of Dogpatch”
“The Tasks of Exile”
“The War In Central America Continues”

Heterodoxy (January 1998)
“Get Whitey”
“In Deep Winter a Memory of Red Summers”

“15 Tips on How to Be a Good Leftist”
“Up from Multiculturalism”
“Revisionists and the Cold War”
“Assistant Attorney General for Civil Wrongs”
“Supreme Court to Decide Whether Vote Goes to the Dogs”

Heterodoxy (November/December 1997)
“Gay Second Thoughts”
“Gag Order for a Black Conservative”
“Commie Dearest”
“Fem-Cons Kick-Up Their Heels at Georgetown”
“The Campaign for Larry Elder”
Sun Headline Writer Sues to Regain Job”

Heterodoxy (October 1997)
“Free Matt Drudge”
“Who’s For Abortion and Against the Bible?”
“How I Wrote About Puerto Rico and Lost My Job”
“Post Modernism & Its Discontents”

“Religious Fright Over Promise Keepers”
“Court to Rule On New York Ebonics Vote”

Heterodoxy (September 1997)
“Johnnie’s Other O.J.”
“A Walk On the Dark Side at the Hellfire Club”
“Affirmative Action In Action”
“Remaining Questions about Vince Foster”
“Fostering Doubts”
“Mother & Daughter Face Dumping Penalties”

Heterodoxy (June 1997)
“Why Did AIDS Happen to Gay Men?”
“The Karl Marx of the Animal Rights Movement”
“Where the U.S. and Mexico Come Together and Come Apart”
“All the Crap They Taught In High School”
“Many Thousands Gone”

Heterodoxy (April/May 1997)
“Weird Feminist Science”
“Gay Clones”
“Booty Camp”
“In the Field with G.I. Jane”
“Scientific American Goes PC”
“Pop Anti-Science”

Heterodoxy (March 1997)
“Burned Churches Commissar”
“Ophelia Self-esteem Problem”
“Crime Is Going Down and Getting Worse”
“Tales from the Black Studies Ghetto”
“Police Mom Gets Bravery Medal”

Heterodoxy (January/February 1997)
“Modern Mata Hari”
“False Rape Outrage at the University of Hawaii”
“Treason of the Heart”
“Plumber Facing Trial for Child Neglect”

Heterodoxy (December 1996)
“Dressed to Kill”
“The Long Goodbye of Alger Hiss”
“Justice Denied: The Fate of Proposition 209”
“CCRI Masochist”

Heterodoxy (November 1996)
“It’s a War, Stupid”
“The Question of Pilot B”
“God and Man at Princeton”
“Solidarity for a Little While”

Heterodoxy (October 1996)
“Affirmative Racism”
“Kafka In Vermont”
“Give Me Your HIV-Positive”
“The Corruption of Criminology”
“A Member of the Victim Class Speaks Out”
“Connerly Keeps the Faith”

Heterodoxy (September 1996)
“Just Say Yes!”
“The Horror! The Horror! Into the Heart of Lit Crit Darkness”
“The Assault on the Smithsonian”
“The Venona Project: When the USSR Occupied the USA”
“Historians Scramble for New Party Lines”
“Political Cross-Dresser: Michael Lind Perpetrates a Hoax”
“Smaller Alligator Organs, Lower Human Sperm Counts, and Other Scares”
“Symphony Violinist in Fight to Regain Job”

Heterodoxy (May/June 1996)
“Downtrodden Dads”
“Johnnie Cochran’s First OJ”
“Clarence Page’s Race Problem, and Mine”
“Feminism Is Not the Story of Their Lives”
“Crits and Bloods”
“They Make it Sound So Ugly”
“Demanding Death-On-Demand”
“Remembering William Appleman Williams”
“Winner Chosen In Historic Miss Globe Contest”

Heterodoxy (April 1996)
“Comrade Chaplin”
“Hooked On Institutional Racism”
“The Affirmative Action Lobby Fights Back”
“The Other Minority”
“Are Lesbians Taking Over NOW?”
“Speaking In Tongues about Religion”
“City Loses Negligence Case”

Heterodoxy (March 1996)
“Slipping Through the Crack”
“Noam Chomsky, Punk Hero”
“Enola Gay Controversy – Last Words”
“Destroying the Children to Save Them”
“The Race Card In Oakland”
“School Board Tough On Crime”

Heterodoxy (February 1996)
“Black Hate Crimes”
“The Fire This Time”
“P.C. Corps”
“This Postman Always Brings Vice”
“Murder Conviction Reversal On Arkansas ‘Kill Bill’”

Heterodoxy (December 1995/January 1996)
The Left Colonizes the Net
Lost in Space: Weird Science at the Jet Propulsion Lab
Anthropomorphic Pronouns: Guidelines for Bias-Free Writing
Chancellor Chuck: The Very Model of a Modern College Administrator” (article about UCLA’s Charles Young)
Wiring the World of Media Studies
I Hear America Typing: Cybersex in Inner Space
President Honors First Welfare Reform Act College Grad

Heterodoxy (November 1995)
Olfactory Correctness
Cornell’s Crucible: Expanding the Frontiers of Sexual Harassment
Queen of Afrocentrism: Frances Cress Welsing
Putting Vince Foster Back Together Again
Piano Teacher Ordered to Change Advertising

Heterodoxy (October 1995)
“The Race Card”
“The NEA and NEH are DOA”
“The Traitor”
“Great Goddess Almighty”
“Building a Shrine In Beijing”
“Hester’s Breasts”

Heterodoxy (September 1995)
Free Mumia — Not!
UC Regents Perform Euthanasia on Affirmative Action
Great Books Triumph in Beer City
How the West Was Lost at Stanford
Afro-Centric Education
Sour Patch Kids
Parents Lose in Child Divorce Case

Heterodoxy (June 1995)
Feminist Forced March
New National Standards Blame America First
Race, Crime, and Merle Haggard
Government Subsidies for the Nation of Islam
A League of Their Own” (Title IX)
Opera Premieres Amid Controversy

Heterodoxy (May 1995)
The Locked Box: Sexual Harassment
Class-Based Affirmative Action: The Liberals’ Desperate Fallback Position
Real Compassion: Welfare Reform Begins at Home
Madness in Their Methodism: The Religious Left Has a Summit
Politically Incorrect Collectibles
Making Black Supremacist NOIse
Auto Mechanic Fighting Charges of Animal Cruelty

Heterodoxy (March/April 1995)
A Death in Berkeley
Something Amiss Among the Misses: Texas Woman’s University Faces Coedness
Heeeere’s Johnnie!” (Johnnie Cochran)
Dancing with the Elephant
George Orwell’s Secret
Book Review of Making Monsters: Repressed Memories, Psychotherapy, and Sexual Hysteria
Book Review of The Myth of Repressed Memory: False Memories and Allegations of Sexual Abuse

Heterodoxy (February 1995)
The Red and the Black
Status Quota: Affirmative Action, An Idea Whose Time Has Gone
Barry Goldwater, the Beach Boys, and Me
More American Graffiti
Review of Art Exhibit titled “Black Male: Representations of Masculinity in Contemporary American Art
Book Review of Strange Justice: The Selling of Clarence Thomas

Heterodoxy (January 1995)
PC Agit-Prophet
Diversity at Columbia U: When ‘Chocolate’ and ‘Vanilla’ Are Fighting Words
The Birth of a Nation” (article about the Ford Foundation)
Pete Seeger’s Communist Hootenanny
Professing Feminism: Cautionary Tales from the Strange World of Women’s Studies” (book review of this title)
Mural Unveiled at Arts Center

Heterodoxy (November/December 1994)
Underground Frats
Educaton Thugs: Jimmy Hoffa Move Over, Here’s the NEA
Gay-Bashing by Homosexuals
Woodstock: The Last Word
Chess Rules Changed

Heterodoxy (October 1994)
Mickey Marxism” (article about Walt Disney Company and Professor Eric Foner)
The Hollywood Ten Revisited
Sex, Lies, and Penile Cuffs at the University of Michigan
Politically Correct Jim Crow at Cornell University
FAIR: The Media’s Favorite Media Watchdogs
The Hijacking of C.S. Lewis
Dictatorship of Virtue: Multiculturalism and the Battle for Americas Future” (book review of this title)

Heterodoxy (September 1994)
Man-Boy Love
Steven Goldberg, Iconoclast: The Most Controversial Professor in America
Writing About Black Panthers and Black People
Clinton’s Dr. Demento
Affirmative Action Foreign Policy
Student Expelled Because of Diversity Problems

Heterodoxy (May/June 1994)
The Conscience of a Gay Conservative
Who Invented Political Correctness?
Four Chapters in the Decline and Fall of the American University
Sadker-Masochism: Adventures in the Sexism Industry
Strange Times at the Black Caucus
The Unbearable Lightness of Being in Cuba
Deconstructing Jesus: Book review of Jesus: A Revolutionary Biography
Court Rules Paraplegic Can Keep Athletic Scholarship

Heterodoxy (April 1994)
Bodies of Evidence: Vincent Foster and the Whitewater Puzzle
Lost Horizons: A Professor Looks Back at the Radical Years
Half-Price Hispanics: CBS and the Writer’s Guild Make a Barrio in Hollywood
Tailhook: The Last Word
The Stupid Club
Law Firm Head Faces Ouster; Associate Charges Sex Harassment

Heterodoxy (March 1994)
University of Sex
Why Joanie Can’t Add: Lies, Damn Lies, and Left-Wing Statistics
Notes of a Sensitivity Training Survivor
Something Fishy: Stanley Walks the Cutting Edge” (article about Stanley Fish)
The Real David Brock
Debunking Relativism” (book review of Sick Societies: Challenging the Myth of Primitive Harmony)
Paolo Casorti International Cello Competition Announces Winner

Heterodoxy (February 1994)
Menendez Mania
The Making of a Quagmire
Janet Reno’s Family Values
Heaven and Earth: Between the Bullet and the Lie
Hate Speech Defined: The Ravings of Dr. Khalid Muhammad
Anti-Americanism: Critiques at Home and Abroad, 1965-
 (Review of Paul Hollander’s book with this title)
Fonda/Turner to Unveil People of Colorization

Heterodoxy (December 1993)
PC Meets the Cold War
The Culture War by Other Means: Accrediting University
The Second Thoughts of Warren Farrell: The Myth of Male Supremacy
The Rape of Due Process: An Incident at Valparaiso
PC Camp in the 70s
Becoming a Postmodernist Critic: A User’s Guide
Past Imperfect: French Intellectuals, 1944-1956” (review of this book, which was authored by Tony Judt)
Out on a Limb Over The Fugitive

Heterodoxy (November 1993)
But Is It Art?”
Counter Coup: When Sensitivity Training Is a Good Thing
All the PC That’s Fit to Print
The Disgusting Government-Supported Art of Joel-Peter Witkin
Cuss Me Kate: The Lunacy of Catharine MacKinnon
Aaron Wildavsky: In Memorium

Heterodoxy (October 1993)
Tailhook Witchhunt
Big Girls Don’t Cry” (article on Professor Carol Gilligan)
Dave and Bill: The President As Film Fan
Separating the Men from the Womyn
How Ronald Reagan Spread AIDS
Doctor Vindicated in Second Malpractice Trial

Heterodoxy (September 1993)
Afro-Fascism on the Rise
School Daze in California: The Battle for Choice
The Final Choice
Polly Wants a Choice
Laughing Matters: Anatomy of a Thought Crime
Campus Culture Wars: Five Stories About PC” (review of PBS documentary with this title)
American Feminist Thought at Century’s End” (review of this book title)
Landmark Legal Ruling Reverses Bad Luck for Violinist

Heterodoxy (May/June 1993)
PC Goes to Church
An ABC of Modern English Studies: The Death of Criticism
Hand-to-Hand Combat in Academe
Digging the Grave of Archaelogy
Let Us Now Praise Famous Conservatives
War By Other Means: Soviet Power, West German Resistance, and the Battle of the Euromissiles” (book review)
Inmates Settle with Authorities at Rolling Hills

Heterodoxy (April 1993)
Camelot Correctness
Shooting the Messenger: The Revenge of the AIDS Establishment
Alien Nation: The Illegal [Immigration] Lobby
A Bilingual Horror Story
The Academic Asherfeld
Political Re-Education at the Whitney” (book review)
Outercourse: The Bedazzling Journey” (book review of a feminist autobiography)

Heterodoxy (March 1993)
Black Murder Inc.” (article about Elaine Brown and the Black Panthers)
Growing up Absurd at Wellesley
Super Bowl Wife-Beaters: Anatomy of a Hoax
Somewhere Over the Rainbow” (article about NYC schools’ “rainbow” curriculum)
The Academic Asherfeld
Conversations: Straight Talk with America’s Sister President” (review of Johnetta Cole’s book of this title)

Heterodoxy (February 1993)
“Gays March on Pentagon”
Frat Attack
Does HIV Cause AIDS: The Duesberg Critique
AIDS Reporters Snooze
Academic Asherfeld
The Economics of Panhandling

Heterodoxy (January 1993)
The Culture, Stupid!
My Days and Nights in the Academic Wilderness
PC Kidnappers
The Remembrance of Crimes Past
The Chlorophyll Manifesto
Exporting Multiculturalism: Trans-Voices — An Exhibition at the American Paris Center
Academic Capitalism and Literary Value” (book review of this title)
The Liberal Inheritance

Heterodoxy (December 1992)
War Stories
Behind the Myths of Malcolm X: Blackwash
Pod People Infest AAUW
The Naked Guy
Sexual Harassment and Common Sense
Spike X: The Movie
Beyond the Culture Wars: How Teaching the Conflicts Can Revitalize American Education” (book review of this title)
High Court Upholds Justice Concept

Heterodoxy (November 1992)
Women’s Studies Imperialists
PC Dorm
Three Tales from the Academic Ghetto
Ozzie and Harriet in Hel
The Nobel Prize for Revolution
Exploring New Worlds: A Planetarium Show at the Air and Space Museum of the Smithsonian
Imperial Eyes: Travel Writing and Transculturation” (book review of this title)
High Court Backs Hearing Impaired

Heterodoxy (October 1992)
Multicultural Mafia” (Ford Foundation)
The Sisters Grim” (Environmentalism aimed at children)
Philanthropic Correctness
The Greening of the Merciless Red Man
Campus Victims
One Million B.S.
Woman of Valor: Margaret Sanger and the Birth Control Movement in America” (book review of this title)
America: What Went Wrong!” (book review of this title)
The Humanities in the Missionary Position

Heterodoxy (September 1992)
Treason of the Clerks
How They [Academics] Spent Their Summer Vacation
Sensitivity Police Brutality
The PC Academy: Survivor’s Memoir
Old Hose
Politics By Other Means: Higher Education and Group Thinking” (book review of this title)
The Politics of Liberal Education” (book review of this title)
The Unforgiving

Heterodoxy (June 1992)
PC Riot
Teenage AIDS and Anal Sex
LSU’s War Against Men
Sex, Lies, and Red Tape at MIT
A Day of Infamy at UC Santa Cruz
Critical Legal Satires
Vassar’s Regiment of Women
Mirages in the Arizona Desert
Political Correctness off Broadway with David Mamet
Anti-Male Discrimination in the Profession
God and Womon at Harvard
Psychobabble and Its Discontents
Misanthropology 101” (book review of Florence King’s With Charity Toward None)

Heterodoxy (May 1992)
Queer Studies
Nobody Knows Their Names” (Castro’s political prisoners)
The Ten Wackiest Feminists on Campus
Creating Wackiness at the University of Minnesota” (radical feminism)
Incorrect EnglishThe Case of Alan Gribben
Confessions of a Sex Education Junkie
Arthur’s Second Thoughts” (review of Arthur Schlessinger’s book The Disuniting of America: Reflections on a Multicultural Society)
Friedrich A. Von Hayek: Eulogy

Heterodoxy (April 1992)
P.C. Coverup
Perspectives on Feminism
10 Worst College Administrators
Oliver Stone, Brownshirt
Deconstructing Date Rape
Love in the Cold War
The Chop Revisited” (a reference to Atlanta Braves’ fans alleged insensitivity to American Indians)

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