October 17, 2002: Voter-Registration Fraud in Minnesota
Dakota County [Minnesota] prosecutors charged 95 people Wednesday in an alleged scheme to rig elections in the small town of Coates for the benefit of a strip club that officials have long been trying to shut down.
County Attorney James Backstrom said 94 of the defendants filled out voter registration cards claiming they lived at the same address. The address turned out to be that of the club, named Jake’s.
Prosecutors charged Jake’s owner Richard J. Jacobson, 32, of Prescott, Wis., with conspiracy to commit forgery and conspiracy to commit unlawful voting, another felony, for allegedly orchestrating the scheme. The other 94 all were charged with forgery and conspiracy to commit forgery. All the charges are felonies. (Source)
Autumn 2004: Voter Fraud in California
In 2002, Dean Gardner, a losing GOP candidate for California’s state legislature, sent out a survey to 14,000 first-time voters. A total of 1,691 surveys came back. The results were startling: 76 people admitted that they weren’t citizens but had voted, while 49 claimed not to have registered at their correct residence, as the law requires. Gardner lost by only 266 votes. (Source)
Autumn 2004: Voter-Registration Fraud in Wisconsin
In Racine, Wisconsin, around the same time, election officials discovered that Project Vote, another left-wing advocacy group, had filed scores of applications with phony addresses and other questionable items. The acting City Clerk asked the district attorney’s office to pursue possible criminal charges. Ohio, Nevada, Iowa—similar stories abounded in states across the country. (Source)
August 12, 2005: Voter-Registration Fraud in Arizona
Ten Valley residents who are not U.S. citizens were charged Thursday with fraudulently registering to vote in Maricopa County [Arizona]. They admitted they were not citizens on jury duty affidavits, but county officials discovered they were still registered to vote, Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas said.
The 10 are among 159 people the County Attorney’s Office is investigating for voter fraud. Out of the 10, one is German, one is from Tonga and the rest are Hispanic with seven from Mexico and the last from an unspecified country, according to the affidavits. Four actually voted in recent elections and another tried to vote, but his ballot was rejected, Thomas said. All are legal residents of the United States.
All 10 are charged with presentment of a false instrument, a felony with a presumptive sentence of one year in prison, but people convicted of such lower-level felonies often receive probation. The other 149 cases are still under investigation, and Thomas said that he expected more indictments. (Source)
September 21, 2006: Voter Fraud in Indiana
The Lake County [Indiana] Vote Fraud Task Force has issued arrest warrants and filed nine felony charges against eight more people linked to voter fraud in the 2003 Lake County primary elections, the Indiana Attorney General’s office announced this morning. The newest charges … bring the total number of people charged to 53. (Source)
October 27, 2006: Voter-Registration Fraud in California
Felony charges were filed this week against 12 signature gatherers accused of registering Orange County [California] voters as Republicans without their consent – part of a criminal probe into voter flipping.
An Orange County Register investigation in April found that more than 100 people who thought they were signing petitions to cure breast cancer and punish child molesters were duped into registering as Republicans. The signature gatherers were part of an Orange County Republican registration drive that paid up to $10 for each “convert,” especially in the heated state 34th Senate District.
In a joint investigation by the California Secretary of State and the Orange County Office of the District Attorney, each defendant was charged Tuesday with two to four counts of falsifying a voter registration card. Each charge carries a maximum penalty of three years in state prison. (Source)
December 1, 2006: Voter Fraud in Virginia
The former Mayor of a small Virginia coal town pleaded guilty to hundreds of felonies this week for masterminding a scheme to buy votes with beer, cigarettes and pork rinds. As Mayor of Appalachia, a town of less than 2,000 residents in historic southwest Virginia, Ben Cooper rigged votes, stole election records, forged ballots, voted more than once in an election and violated absentee voting procedures. In all, Cooper pleaded guilty to 243 felonies.
The corruption took place during the 2004 town elections in which voter signatures were forged, absentee ballots were intercepted in the mail and many voters were actually prevented from going to the polls. A variety of officials and residents participated in the fraud and have also pleaded guilty.
They include the town’s de facto chief of police, a mail carrier and a man who exchanged drugs for votes. The police chief, who admitted getting paid for doing nothing, was the mayor’s friend and together they planned to take control over the department. The postal worker pleaded guilty to passing absentee ballots to the parks and recreation director and the resident who bought votes with drugs pleaded guilty to fraud.
Additionally, several residents involved in the scheme have pleaded guilty to charges of hindering citizens of their right to vote and entering false information about absentee ballots. (Source)
November 8, 2007: Voter Fraud in Indiana
Two more people charged with vote fraud by the Lake County [Indiana] Joint Vote Fraud Task Force have pled guilty and another person has been sentenced announced Indiana Attorney General Steve Carter. There are now 37 convictions against 53 defendants for vote fraud. (Source) and (Source)
June 16, 2008: Voter-Registration Fraud in Utah
The prosecutor in the Daggett County [Utah] voter-fraud scandal is quitting the case. County Attorney Bryan Sidwell removed himself before 20 of 51 defendants could be arraigned. Sidwell refused to say why, leaving the Utah Attorney General’s Office to step in or appoint a special prosecutor.
The voters are accused of illegally registering in Daggett County even though they don’t live or maintain a primary residence there. The charge is a class A misdemeanor. The case involves the 2006 election, when then-Sheriff Alan Campbell complained that the voter rolls were growing in the small county near the Wyoming border. Campbell, a Democrat, lost the election to Republican Rick Ellsworth by 20 votes. (Source)
August 8, 2008: Voter Fraud and Voter-Registration Fraud in Texas
Some 16 months after Bexar County [Texas] District Attorney Susan Reed boldly declared that she wouldn’t tolerate undocumented people “illegally voting in my county,” a lengthy voter fraud investigation has concluded with the filing of low-level charges. The charges filed in late July against just two people, both U.S. citizens, were for perjury, a misdemeanor.
The investigation discovered more than 300 noncitizens had registered to vote in Bexar County, some as far back as the mid-1990s, and that 41 of them had actually cast a ballot. But officials acknowledged that none will be prosecuted because the statute of limitations had expired. (Source)
August 25, 2008: Voter Fraud and Voter-Registration Fraud in Indiana
The Lake County [Indiana] Vote Fraud Task Force has issued arrest warrants and has filed 56 felony charges against 12 more people linked to voter fraud in the 2003 Lake County primary elections. The individuals involved include [among others] a Lake County Deputy Sheriff, a former East Chicago [Indiana] City Councilman, and a current precinct committeeman….
Today’s action brings the total number of individuals charged for fraud by the Task Force to 34 since it was convened by Lake County Prosecutor Bernard A. Carter two years ago. The total number of felony charges filed is now nearly 160. (Source)
October 8, 2008: Voter-Registration Fraud in Wisconsin (ACORN)
Milwaukee County [Wisconsin] prosecutors Tuesday charged a convicted felon with illegally registering himself and others to vote between his conviction and his sentencing. The complaint accuses Adam Mucklin, 22, of registering to vote in June, after he was convicted of battery in April, and after a judge told him he couldn’t vote as a convicted felon. Later in June, Mucklin signed up to work as a paid voter registrar for the Community Voters Project, something else he couldn’t do as a convicted felon, the complaint says….
Mucklin was among 49 voter registration workers who were referred to the Milwaukee County district attorney’s office by the Milwaukee Election Commission on suspicion of election fraud. He is the second to be charged.
Last week, the district attorney’s office charged Endalyn Adams, 21, with submitting registration cards with dozens of fake names to meet what amounted to a quota from the Community Voters Project. Some of the false names were flagged by voters project leaders before the cards were turned over to the Milwaukee Election Commission; those names were never added to the voter rolls, and the rest have been removed.
Virtually all the workers under scrutiny were employed by either the voters project or by the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now. (Source)
October 15, 2008: Voter-Registration Fraud by ACORN
US Congressman Thad Cotter [R-MI] told Fox News that ACORN recruiters are registering “voters” multiple time and, in one instance, one young man who was just caught, had registered 52 times. (Source)
May 7, 2009: Voter-Registration Fraud in Pennsylvania (ACORN)
The Allegheny County [Pennsylvania] District Attorney yesterday charged seven people with a combined 51 counts of forgery and other violations, saying they worked with the group ACORN to deliver forged registrations during the 2008 election.
District Attorney Stephen A. Zappala Jr. said the workers for the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now were driven to fraud by a quota that required them to register anywhere from a dozen to 20 new voters daily, something a spokesman for ACORN yesterday said did not exist. State election law makes it a misdemeanor to require a quota on such registrations, because lawmakers view a quota as an invitation to the kind of fraud the DA is alleging.
“People got paid by the hour, not the form,” said Scott Levenson, ACORN’s national spokesman. “No one did not get paid because they did not bring in X amount of forms.”
Mr. Zappala said the opposite was the case, and that some of the workers charged yesterday told investigators they needed to meet a daily quota to be paid their hourly wage of $8.
What did not appear to be in dispute yesterday was that dozens of bogus registrations – including a registration form for a county elections department employee with the signature forged – were turned in during the group’s voter registration drive last year. It appeared the workers were submitting fake or doctored registration forms to be paid their daily $40 wage for five hours of work.
The forgery counts – 51 in all – are third-degree felonies … (Source) and (Source) and (Source)
August 4, 2009: Voter Fraud in New Jersey
More arrests are likely in a voter-fraud case involving supporters of failed Atlantic City [New Jersey] mayoral candidate Marty Small, according to information from the state Attorney General’s Office and a defense attorney. Five people who collected votes for Small have been charged with mishandling messenger ballots and disenfranchising voters. The councilman has denied any connection to the workers.
Two of those defendants, Floyd Tally and David Callaway, appeared in court Monday. They are accused of fraudulently completing and submitting more than 130 messenger ballot applications. During the brief hearing, a new date was set for Sept. 10. By that time they should be indicted, according to officials.
The number of charges also could grow, according to those involved in the case. “It looks like we’re moving toward a multiple-count indictment on voter fraud,” said Steven Scheffler, Callaway’s attorney. “Probably more than 10 counts each.”
Five messengers – Demaris Jones, Ramona Stephens, Yolanda Barrios, Frank Taylor and Ronald Harris – all had several of their ballots rejected, but have not been charged in the case. In addition to Tally and Callaway, those charged are Michelle Griffin, of Pleasantville, and LuQuay Q. Zahir and Toni Dixon, both of Atlantic City. All but Zahir have a clear connection to the Callaway group, which raised messenger and absentee ballot collection [to] a near art form.
The family claims that is the reason for the charges. While Attorney General Anne Milgram has said the defendants disenfranchised voters, Callaway’s brother Ronald – who is better known as Jihad Q. Abdullah – previously said it is the state that is trying to disenfranchise the black voters who have used the method in Atlantic City. (Source)
March 17, 2010: Voter-Registration Fraud in Nebraska
Channel 6 News learned Wednesday that nearly 200 phony names have been purged from Douglas County [Nebraska] voter files. A worker who was paid to collect the signatures was arrested for felony voter fraud. Twenty-one-year-old Eddie Pierce of Omaha is accused of submitting 195 phony voter registrations during a drive last fall by the group Project 10,000 Voters. The nonprofit paid workers $1 a name. If convicted, he could be sentenced to five years in prison.
Douglas County Sheriff’s Department investigators found some people did not know their signatures had been forged. Other applications contained fictitious names and addresses. Deputies attempted to call people on those forms that had wrong numbers. (Source)
September 30, 2010: Voter Fraud in Minnesota
Three felons have been charged with illegally voting in Olmsted County [Minnesota] during the 2008 election, according to County Attorney Mark Ostrem. The felony charges come after the conservative interest group Minnesota Majority issued a statewide report that alleged 50 felons might have illegally cast ballots in Olmsted County during the presidential election. Ostrem said that list was eventually whittled down to six individuals who might have voted illegally. (Source)
May 9, 2011: Voter Fraud in New Mexico
Secretary of State Dianna Duran says her office has turned over records to the state police department to investigate charges of voter fraud in New Mexico but Duran says she can’t reveal how many instances have been recorded or whether the investigation is nearly completed because of the ongoing nature of the case.
Back in late March, Duran told lawmakers she had found preliminary data showing at least 37 recorded instances of people without valid Social Security numbers voting in various elections across New Mexico between 2003 and 2010 and that 117 foreign nationals were registered to vote — which is illegal since only US citizens are allowed to vote. After making the announcement, Duran — the first Republican elected to the Secretary of State’s job in 82 years — was criticized by Democrats and immigrant rights groups who said such alleged incidents were isolated and don’t point to a widespread problem. (Source) and (Source)
July 29, 2011: Voter Fraud in Various States (ACORN and the NAACP)
While NAACP President Benjamin Jealous lashed out at new state laws requiring photo ID for voting, an NAACP executive sits in prison, sentenced for carrying out a massive voter fraud scheme.
In a story ignored by the national media, in April a Tunica County, Miss., jury convicted NAACP official Lessadolla Sowers on 10 counts of fraudulently casting absentee ballots [and was given a five-year sentence for each of the ten counts of voter fraud for which she was convicted, but the sentencing judge allowed her to serve the terms concurrently]. Sowers is identified on an NAACP website as a member of the Tunica County NAACP Executive Committee.
The NAACP has had other problems with voter fraud. The NAACP National Voter Fund registered a dead man to vote in Lake County, Ohio, in 2004. That same year, out of 325 voter registration cards filed by the NAACP in Cleveland, 48 were flagged as fraudulent.
But the NAACP’s voter fraud record doesn’t approach that of ACORN, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now. At least 54 individuals employed by or associated with ACORN have been convicted of voter fraud….
And ACORN, which filed for bankruptcy last November, was itself convicted of voter fraud in Nevada in April. (Source) and (Source)
October 13, 2011: [113] Felon Voter Fraud Convictions Stemming from Minnesota’s 2008 General Election (Source)
November 5, 2011: Voter Fraud in Minnesota
Dozens of Dakota County [Minnesota] residents were charged this week with voting illegally in the 2008 general election, just days before the statute of limitations expired. The 49 people charged were among 282 complaints registered with Dakota County Attorney James Backstrom’s office in the wake of the controversial—and hard-fought—2008 election, which spurred a months-long recount in the U.S. Senate race between Republican incumbent Norm Coleman and Democrat Al Franken, who was eventually declared the winner. (Source)
November 22, 2011: Voter Fraud in Minnesota
Fox News reports: It took a few years, but prosecutors are rolling out charges in response to accusations of felons voting in one of the tightest elections in the state.
Looking back, it’s clear that the 2008 election was significant for many reasons. “Actually, that was my first time voting,” said Dwayne Thomas, of St. Paul [Minnesota]. Now, Thomas is facing two felony charges. He was not supposed to vote on Nov. 4, 2008, because he was still on probation for a previous felony.
Three years later, just before the statute of limitations would run out, Washington County prosecutors sent him back to jail. “I just think it’s not right that they are doing this,” said Thomas. “I don’t really understand how they feel like I knew about it. I didn’t know about it.”
Prosecutors say they don’t buy that claim. “That’s the same defense I’ve heard on other people who violate their probation,” said Rick Hodsdon, assistant Washington County Attorney. So far he’s charged 25 felons with illegally voting in the 2008 election and another seven for voting in 2010. (Source)
December 7, 2011: Voter Fraud in Indiana
Charity Rorie, a mother of four, sat in her Mishawaka, Indiana, kitchen, stunned that her name appeared on a 2008 Democratic presidential primary petition for then-candidate Barack Obama. “That’s not my signature,” she told Fox News, saying her signature is “absolutely” a fake. She also said she was troubled someone forged both her signature and that of her husband, Jeff, and listed personal details such as their address and birthdays. “It’s scary,” Rorie said. “It’s shocking. It definitely is illegal. A lot of people have already lost faith in politics and the whole realm of politics, so that just solidifies all of our worries and concerns.”
Robert Hunter Jr. said his name was faked, too. “I did not sign for Barack Obama,” he told Fox News, adding his signature supporting the then-Illinois senator’s effort to get on the primary ballot was also a forgery. As he examined the Obama petition he held in his hands, Hunter pointed out that “I always put ‘Junior’ after my name, every time … there’s no ‘Junior’ there.” He said the signature on the petition looks “very close” to his real one, but it clearly is not. “My wife and I actually signed a petition for Hillary Clinton,” he said. “I am an Obama fan, but not in the primaries I wasn’t.”
The prospect that theirs are two of an estimated 150 signatures that may have been forged on the petitions has raised the question of whether President Obama actually reached the legitimate number of signatures needed to be placed on the ballot in Indiana. Under state law, presidential candidates need to file 500 signatures from each of the state’s nine Congressional districts. Indiana election officials say that in St. Joseph County, the Obama campaign qualified with 534 signatures; Clinton’s camp had 704. The certified signatures were never challenged.
“I had always thought that, now-President Obama, had earned his victory in Indiana,” said the state’s Republican chairman, Eric Holcomb. “But then I quickly learned that he had cheated his way on to the ballot in the primary.” (Source)
December 20, 2011: Voter Fraud in Minnesota
Dozens of felony cases against convicted felons accused of illegally voting in the 2008 elections continued moving through the court system this week in Dakota County [Minnesota]. More than 30 felons appeared Monday in court on ineligible-voter charges.
The investigation into alleged fraudulent voting started after the Dakota County attorney’s office received 282 referrals alleging illegal voting after the 2008 general election, said County Attorney James Backstrom. Of the tips, 202 came from Minnesota Majority, a grass-roots advocacy nonprofit that calls itself a “state legislative watchdog group.” (Source)
February 12, 2012: Voter Fraud in New York
Through three weeks of testimony, 46 city voters have testified about how they didn’t know absentee ballots were cast in their names in the 2009 Working Families Party primary. Special Prosecutor Trey Smith has called the 46 people to show the Rensselaer County [New York] Court jury the victims of the absentee ballot fraud scandal. These voters have included public housing residents, college students, the semi-literate, a deaf man, the chronically ill and non-English speakers.
Smith wants the jury to hear the personal stories of how voters were approached by Democratic and Working Families Party operatives in the days leading up to the minor-party Sept. 15, 2009 primary.
Some city Democrats schemed to forge absentee ballots in an attempt to win the third-party line. Four Democrats have pleaded guilty for their roles in the case.
Many voters, according to their testimony, were told that by filling out an absentee ballot application it would be “easier” for them to vote. (Source)
March 7, 2012: Voter Fraud in West Virginia
As the sheriff of Lincoln County, West Virginia, Jerry Bowman is sworn to uphold the law. But the 58-year-old law enforcement veteran stood in a federal courtroom in Charleston on Wednesday and pleaded guilty in a shocking voter fraud case that has stripped him of his job and could send him to prison for a decade. Prosecutors say Bowman and former Lincoln County Clerk Donald Whitten, 62, were part of a scheme to steal the May 2010 Democratic primary by stuffing ballot boxes with illegal absentee ballots.
Bowman admitted to falsifying more than 100 of the absentee ballot applications and even voting with some of the ballots himself, while Whitten, who also pleaded guilty Wednesday, acknowledged lying to investigators about the plan to try to throw the election. (Source)
April 22, 2012: Voter Fraud in Virginia
Results of an ongoing Virginia State Police investigation of voter registration irregularities from the 2008 general election may signal a more significant voter fraud issue than some state lawmakers realized.
As Virginia legislators hotly debated a voter ID bill that narrowly passed the General Assembly, many were unaware of a state police investigation that, so far, has resulted in charges against 38 people statewide for voter fraud. Warrants have been obtained for a 39th person who can’t be located.
A majority of those cases already have resulted in convictions, and 26 additional cases are still being actively investigated nearly 3½ years after the state Board of Elections forwarded more than 400 voter and election fraud allegations from 62 cities and counties to Virginia State Police for individual investigation. (Source) and (Source)
May 25, 2012: Voter-Registration Fraud in Virginia
Two more people have been charged with voting fraud offenses following a Virginia State Police investigation of voter registration irregularities from the 2008 general election that so far has yielded 40 arrests statewide.
Sheila J. Peterson, 53, was indicted Monday by a Chesterfield County [Virginia] grand jury on one felony count of making a false statement on an election form on Oct. 3, 2008, according to court records. Last week, Michael Anthony Harris, 50, was arrested in Chesterfield on a similar charge for an offense that occurred on Sept. 26, 2008, records show.
Chesterfield authorities allege that both defendants registered to vote for the 2008 election despite having been previously convicted of felonies. Felons cannot vote in Virginia unless their rights are restored by the governor.
The arrests are the latest to come from a state police review of 400-plus complaints forwarded to the agency for investigation in October 2008, before the November election, by then-State Board of Elections Secretary Nancy Rodrigues. So far, 40 people have been charged and warrants have been obtained for a 41st person who can’t be located. A majority of those cases have resulted in convictions, and 24 additional cases are being actively investigated, state police said. (Source)
May 29, 2012: Voter Fraud in Texas
Voter fraud and the manipulation of the election process is a cost of doing business in many communities in Hidalgo County [Texas]. Candidates are faced with paying an exorbitant amount of money to party bosses and politiqueras who hold these elections ransom. Just yesterday, my office received a copy of 88 election complaints filed by concerned citizens of a small community in the Delta Area.
In the 2010 Democratic Primary, nearly a third of the votes cast in the Delta Area were assisted. In the city of Hidalgo’s May 2012 election 22.5% of votes cast were assisted. Reports are coming in from across Hidalgo County that the practice is rampant in certain communities during this primary election. (Source)
July 13, 2012: Voter Fraud in Colorado
[Colorado] Secretary of State Scott Gessler has taken his most expansive step yet to identify noncitizens who may be registered to vote, filing open- records requests with jails in 10 of Colorado’s largest counties for lists of anyone held on an immigration detainer since 2010.
The office then ran the names and birth dates of people on the lists — about 10,000 so far — against the state’s voter-registration database.
They came up with 85 people who appear to be registered to vote, spokesman Rich Coolidge said. Of those, 29 were active voters, or had cast ballots in or since the 2010 general election. (Source)
July 20, 2012: Voter Fraud in Philadelphia
At a time when voter ID laws in 30 states are coming under intense fire from the liberal media, the Obama administration and civil rights leaders, one of the strongest cases anywhere was offered for voter identification by the lone Republican on the three-member panel overseeing elections in Philadelphia [Pennsylvania].
Wednesday, City Commissioner Al Schmidt unveiled a 27-page report that his office had commissioned entitled “Voting Irregularities in Philadelphia County, 2012 Primary Election.” The report, which focused on cases in 15 of the city’s 1,687 election districts, found cases of double voting, voter impersonation, voting by non-citizens, and 23 cases of people who were unregistered to vote but nonetheless permitted to do so.
Almost as soon as the 40-year-old Schmidt released the report at a news conference, his two fellow commissioners — both Democrats — denounced its findings. Insisting that its findings did not document a problem with voting city-wise, Commission Chairman Stephanie Singer branded the report a “stunt.” (Source)
July 22, 2012: Voter-Registration Fraud in Virginia
Voter-registration forms being mailed to Virginia residents are addressed to dead relatives, children, family members in other states, non-U.S. citizens, people with similar names, existing registered voters and residents’ cats and dogs.
The errant forms are among tens of thousands being distributed in Virginia by a national voter-registration group that pre-populates the documents with key information, including names and addresses of prospective voters.
The mailings have become a source of confusion among many who receive them and are creating headaches for local registrar offices, which must spend time in a busy presidential election year investigating which of the forms are legitimate. The mailings also can create opportunities for voter fraud, election officials say.
Virginia election officials have contacted the nonprofit group, the Washington-based Voter Participation Center, to express their concern and ask it to adjust its methods.
The Virginia Board of Elections has received more than 100 complaints so far from residents and state registrars about the third-party voter-registration forms. The Voter Participation Center mass-mails the forms, targeting Democrat-leaning voting blocks [sic] such as young adults, unmarried women, African-Americans and Latinos. The center calls these voting groups the “Rising American Electorate.” (Source)
July 23, 2012: Voter-Registration Fraud in Florida
Frustrated with accounts of voter fraud and ineligible voters statewide, residents of Orange County [Florida] undertook their own investigation to reveal whether noncitizens were present on the county voter rolls. Kelli McNair-Lee and Bill Barnett, members of the East Side Tea Party and Eastern Orlando Tea Party, petitioned Orange County Jury Services for the list of people exempt from jury duty, because they were not citizens.
After paying exorbitant fees to gain access to the jury list, McNair-Lee and Barnett cross-referenced that list — totaling more than 1,100 people — with a voter-registration database, and found that 156 potential noncitizens were listed on the voter rolls in Orange County, according to Florida Political Press. (Source)
July 26, 2012: Voter Fraud in Mississippi
The official numbers are in for the Ward 3 [Mississippi] runoff election between LaRita Stokes and Joyce Jackson, but there is a discrepancy between the vote totals and the number of voters who signed the roll at Precinct 11. No one at the city or county seems to know anything about it, and everyone wants to direct questions to another department.
The precinct, located in the Jackson Medical Mall, reported only 33 total votes, according to the official numbers from the Hinds County Election Commission. When this reporter and JFP intern Aaron Cooper stopped by the precinct around 2:30 p.m. on Election Day, though, 67 voters had already signed the roll.
Joyce Jackson said Tuesday night that one of her poll watchers saw more than 100 voter signatures at the Precinct 11 around the polls’ 7 p.m. closing time. Cooper-Stokes defeated Jackson by 163 votes.
Neither Hinds County Election Commissioner Connie Cochran nor county Election Commission Office Manager Grace Wallace knew anything about the discrepancy until this reporter told them about 1 p.m. Thursday. Neither seemed pleased to hear the news, either. “Don’t come in here and open up a can of worms,” Wallace said after hearing the report. Cochran said that if not all the votes were officially counted, it probably means the city election commission workers did not download all the voting machines correctly….
When asked about the discrepancy, [city election commission worker Beryl] Williams said she had not looked at the number of people who signed the roll. When asked who was supposed to compare voter-roll numbers to election totals, Williams said the election had been certified and she had nothing else to tell me. When I asked the question again, Williams answer was only slightly more telling. “It didn’t come up for there to be…(trailed off) Well, anyway, I don’t know anything about the people that signed the voter rolls, about their numbers or whatever,” Williams said. “Nothing came up as a question when we were certifying, and we certified, and it’s a done deal.” (Source) and (Source)
July 29, 2012: Voter Fraud in Texas
The district attorney for Jim Wells and Brooks Counties [Texas] made new allegations of voter fraud and misconduct just before a trial begins today to hear his challenge of the May primary’s outcome.
District Attorney Armando Barrera filed an amended petition to contest the primary, which he lost by 19 votes. The final tally put challenger Carlos Omar Garcia at 3,809 and Barrera at 3,790. The winner faces Christina Flores in the November general election.
According to the amended petition, more than 30 people cast a ballot who were not registered to vote at least 30 days before the election. The petition states the voters registered between May 14-19. The primary was May 29.
It also lists several voters who submitted mail-in ballots stating they are disabled. Barrera’s petition asks for those ballots to be declared void because those people are not disabled. Others, the petition states, have permanent addresses in Alice but actually live in Corpus Christi. (Source)
August 6, 2012: Voter-Registration Fraud in Ohio
The Montgomery County [Ohio] Board of Elections is investigating a large case of possible voter registration fraud, after receiving more than 100 “suspicious” registration cards from a single organization, many that appeared to have false or nonexistent addresses.
Board of Elections Director Betty Smith said the registrations were turned in by The Ohio Organizing Campaign, which listed a Poe Avenue address in Dayton. The OOC is tied to the Ohio Organizing Collaborative, which describes itself as “a statewide organization that unites community organizing groups, labor unions, faith organizations, and policy institutes across the state.” (Source)
August 17, 2012: Voter Fraud in Philadelphia
Last month, City Commissioner Al Schmidt, a Republican, issued a 27-page report on irregularities he found in a sample of Philadelphia [Pennsylvania] precincts during this year’s primary. The report, which looked at only 1 percent of the city’s 1,687 districts, found cases of double voting, voter impersonation, and voting by non-citizens, as well as 23 people who were not registered to vote but nonetheless voted. Schmidt also found reports of people who were counted as voting in the wrong party’s primary. (Source)
August 22, 2012: Voter Fraud in Virginia
The Albemarle County [Virginia] Commonwealth’s attorney says her office is spending a lot of hours investigating the possibility of voter fraud. Meanwhile, members of the electoral board may be charged with contempt of court for photocopying sensitive information.
Now three Albemarle County residents are under investigation for voter fraud and whoever made copies of those documents is under investigation for contempt of court.
From prospective jurors that had been excused over the past three years on behalf of the electoral board, they found 159 that were questionable. Wheeler stated, “They said they were not a U.S. citizen, they were a convicted felon whose rights had not been restored, they were dead or they moved out of the county.” (Source)
September 7, 2012: Voter Fraud in Colorado
[Colorado] Secretary of State Scott Gessler said Friday his office had found 35 noncitizens who have voted in Colorado elections, but in the face of criticism over how his office has tried to identify them, Gessler said he would not move forward with proposed regulations to deal with suspected noncitizen voters until after the election.
Gessler, a Republican, blamed the federal government for not giving him access to a Department of Homeland Security database quickly enough to check the citizenship status of registered voters. (Source)
September 26, 2012: Voter-Registration Fraud in California
Republicans have fraudulently registered Democrats to vote … as Republicans, a Riverside County [California] Democratic group claims, according to a story by California Watch.
The GOP has reported an increase of about 35,000 new Republicans in Riverside County this year alone, the nonprofit news organization reported.
“In a complaint filed last week with the county registrar of voters, the Democrats presented affidavits from 133 Democratic voters who said they had been re-registered as Republicans without their consent after they encountered petition circulators outside welfare offices and stores,” California Watch reported Wednesday. (Source)
October 19, 2012: Voter-Registration Fraud in Florida
Dead people aren’t supposed to vote — not even in Florida. Eugenia Huguenin says breast cancer killed her daughter long before a voter registration card with Michele Huguenin’s name and supposed signature was filed this year in Palm Beach County. Her name was on one of the disputed 106 voter registration forms gathered on behalf of the Republican Party that have spawned a statewide voter fraud investigation. (Source)
October 26, 2012: Voter Fraud in Ohio
Two volunteer poll workers at an Ohio voting station told Human Events that they observed van loads of Ohio residents born in Somalia — the state is home to the second-largest Somali population in the United States — being driven to the voting station and guided by Democratic interpreters on the voting process. No Republican interpreters were present, according to these volunteers.
While it’s not unusual for get-out-the-vote groups to help voters get to the polls, the volunteers who talked to Human Events observed a number of troubling and questionable activities.
A source, who wishes to remain anonymous, is a volunteer outside the Morse Road polling center. She has witnessed Somalis who cannot speak English come to the polling center. They are brought in groups, by van or bus. The Democrats hand them a slate card and say, “vote Brown all the way down.” Given that Sherrod Brown is the incumbent Democrat Senator in Ohio, one can assume that this is the reference.
Non-English speaking voters may use an interpreter. The interpreters are permitted by law to interpret for the individual voting; however, they are forbidden from influencing their vote in any way. Another source who also wishes to remain anonymous has seen Democrat interpreters show the non-English speaking Somalis how to vote the Democrat slate that they were handed outside. According to this second source, there are not any Republican Somali interpreters available.
The logical follow-up question is whether a non-English speaking person is an American citizen. Although Republican leadership in Ohio passed a voting reform law, it was repealed by the legislature itself after the Democrats threatened a referendum. According to the Ohio Secretary of State’s web site, someone wanting to vote early in Ohio must supply one of the following in writing on the absentee ballot form, whether voting early by mail or in person: an Ohio driver’s license number; the last four digits of the social security number; or a copy of a current and valid photo identification, military identification, or a current — within the last 12 months — utility bill, including cell phone bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or other government document that shows the person’s name and address in addition to the voter registration acknowledgement.
The voter is not required to show the driver’s license or social security card, but must merely write it on the absentee ballot request form. While the individual would be required to show a utility bill, bank statement or other printed document if he or she chooses that option, this is in lieu of writing the driver’s license or social security number. Therefore, the information cannot be checked against the Bureau of Motor Vehicles or other state databases. Essentially, a person is asked to check a box stating that they are a citizen, and the poll worker is to trust that they are the person who is listed on the item being shown or the information being written. In other words, someone can be an illegal resident of the state of Ohio and the United States, get an apartment, turn on the heat, bring in the Columbia Gas bill, register to vote by the deadline, and vote by showing that same bill. There is then no verification that this individual is a citizen of the United States. (Source)
November 21, 2012: Voter Fraud in Louisiana
Chief Eddie Stewart said Wednesday the Clinton [Louisiana] Police Department is investigating voter fraud related to this month’s election. Stewart said he received a list of 115 names of voters who allegedly cast illegal ballots. Only 879 votes were cast, so the claim would involve more than 13 percent of the total. Stewart said those people might have voted in Clinton’s elections for Mayor and Alderman without living in the town. He said his department is also looking into accusations of vote buying. (Source)
March 6, 2013: Voter-Registration Fraud in Florida
Two people have been charged with filling out fraudulent voter registration cards at two local universities. A two-year Florida Department of Law Enforcement investigation found that two employees of Strategic Allied Consulting, Rebekah Paul and Christian Price, were filling out fake forms at the University of North Florida and Jacksonville University. Over a two-year long investigation, FDLE found Paul and Price turned in 29 fake forms. (Source)
April 26, 2013: Election Fraud in Indiana
A jury in South Bend, Indiana has found that fraud put President Obama and Hillary Clinton on the presidential primary ballot in Indiana in the 2008 election. Two Democratic political operatives were convicted Thursday night in the illegal scheme after only three hours of deliberations. They were found guilty on all counts.
Former longtime St. Joseph County Democratic party Chairman Butch Morgan Jr. was found guilty of felony conspiracy counts to commit petition fraud and forgery, and former county Board of Elections worker Dustin Blythe was found guilty of felony forgery counts and falsely making a petition, after being accused of faking petitions that enabled Obama, then an Illinois Senator, to get on the presidential primary ballot for his first run for the White House. Morgan was accused of being the mastermind behind the plot.
According to testimony from two former Board of Election officials who pled guilty, Morgan ordered Democratic officials and workers to fake the names and signatures that Obama and Clinton needed to qualify for the presidential race. Blythe, then a Board of Elections employee and Democratic Party volunteer, was accused of forging multiple pages of the Obama petitions.
“I think this helped uphold the integrity of the electoral system,” the prosecutor, Stan Levco told reporters. “Their verdict of guilt is not a verdict against Democrats, but for honest and fair elections,” he said.
The scheme was hatched in January of 2008, according to affidavits from investigators who cite former Board of Registration worker Lucas Burkett, who told them he was in on the plan at first, but then became uneasy and quit. He waited three years before telling authorities about it, but if revelations about any forgeries were raised during the election, the petitions could have been challenged during the contest. A candidate who did not qualify with enough legitimate signatures at the time, could have been bounced from the ballot.
The case raise questions about whether in 2008, then candidate Obama actually submitted enough legitimate signatures to have legally qualified for the primary ballot. “I think had they been challenged successfully, he probably would not have been on the ballot,” Levco told Fox News.
Under state law, presidential candidates need to qualify for the primary ballots with 500 signatures from each of the state’s nine Congressional districts. Indiana election officials say that in St. Joseph County, which is the 2nd Congressional district, the Obama campaign qualified with 534 signatures; Clinton’s camp had 704.
Prosecutors say that in President Obama’s case, nine of the petition pages were apparently forged. Each petition contains up to 10 names, making a possible total of 90 names, which, if faked, could have brought the Obama total below the legal limit required to qualify. Prosecutors say 13 Clinton petitions were apparently forged, meaning up to 130 possibly fake signatures. Even if 130 signatures had been challenged, it would have still left Mrs. Clinton with enough signatures to meet the 500 person threshold. Levco said a total of “100 to 200” signatures had been forged on Obama’s and Clinton’s petitions. (Source)
May 15, 2013: Possible Voter Fraud in Ohio
Yamiah Davis was excited to vote in her first presidential election last fall. The 21-year-old Avondale [Ohio] woman mailed in her early ballot in October, but then realized she had forgotten to include a form. “I was excited to have my voice count,” Davis said. “When I realized what I did I thought, ‘Crap, my vote didn’t count.’ ” So, she said, she went to her polling location on Election Day and explained what happened. They told her to cast a provisional ballot, she said. Now, she could face prosecution and wonders: “Am I going to jail?”
She and dozens of others – people who voted early by mail or in person at the [Cincinnati] Board of Elections, then cast a provisional ballot on Election Day – could face felony prosecution.
In the November election, 421,997 votes were cast countywide. Ninety-three remain on an anomaly list under review by the Board of Elections. Ahead of today’s discussion, The Enquirer reviewed what happened in all 93 cases, interviewed several voters, and read through hundreds of pages of transcripts from two recent Board of Election meetings where some of the voters testified. The Enquirer found 59 voters remain under scrutiny for voting absentee or in-person and provisionally. (Source)
June 3, 2013: Voter Fraud in West Virginia
Officials in Lincoln County [West Virginia] say they’re working hard to clean house and restore confidence in voters. They say the elections office is getting a much-needed makeover, starting with voting records and machines.
It’s the start of a voter roll purging process – a massive effort to make sure every vote counts, after the election fraud scandal of 2010 brought problems to light. Several public officials were sentenced to prison following the investigation. Authorities say more than 100 absentee ballots were falsified in that race. (Source)
November 2, 2013: Ballot Fraud in Connecticut
If there’s any office for which a candidate should be disqualified for engaging in absentee ballot fraud, it’s City Clerk, which, among other responsibilities, is in charge of handling absentee ballots. Yet in an astounding claim made just days before Tuesday’s election, City Clerk Ron Smith said late last week that he planned to file a complaint with the state Elections Enforcement Commission concerning complaints about absentee ballot fraud.
At issues are affidavits from 11 residents of Ward 8 [New Haven, Connecticut] — the ward represented by Smith’s opponent Alderman Michael Smart — claiming their absentee ballots were illegally picked up. One resident told the Register’s Mary O’Leary on Thursday that Smart himself picked up her ballot. The woman, Cynthia Britt, issued a statement Friday walking back her original comments and saying that Smart had merely handled her application for an absentee ballot, and not the ballot himself.
Records in the City Clerk’s office show that Smart took out the majority of the 181 absentee ballot applications tallied in the office by Deputy City Clerk Sally Brown. Taking out the ballots is legal. But only a family member of an incapacitated person, a designated caretaker or a police officer can return the ballot if the voter is incapable of mailing it back. (Source)
November 5, 2013: Voter Fraud in New York
New York City’s watchdog Department of Investigations has just provided the latest evidence of how easy it is to commit voter fraud that is almost undetectable. DOI undercover agents showed up at 63 polling places last fall and pretended to be voters who should have been turned away by election officials; the agents assumed the names of individuals who had died or moved out of town, or who were sitting in jail. In 61 instances, or 97 percent of the time, the testers were allowed to vote. Those who did vote cast only a write-in vote for a “John Test” so as to not affect the outcome of any contest….
[T]he sloppiness revealed in the DOI report is mind-boggling. Young undercover agents were able to vote using the names of people three times their age, people who in fact were dead. In one example, a 24-year female agent gave the name of someone who had died in 2012 at age 87; the workers at the Manhattan polling site gave her a ballot, no questions asked. Even the two cases where poll workers turned away an investigator raise eyebrows. In the first case, a poll worker on Staten Island walked outside with the undercover investigator who had just been refused a ballot; the “voter” was advised to go to the polling place near where he used to live and “play dumb” in order to vote. In the second case, the investigator was stopped from voting only because the felon whose name he was using was the son of the election official at the polling place. (Source)
November 19, 2013: Voter Fraud in New York
Christopher Rasco told the person who came to his door that he might not make it out to vote on Election Day. He was told he had another option – apply for, and then fill out, an absentee ballot. “They were gonna help everybody by bringing the ballots to them and helping them fill out the ballots,” Rasco said. “It seemed pretty legit to me.”
Rasco’s absentee ballot is one of nearly 100 ballots under the legal microscope. It appears he unknowingly filled out an absentee ballot when he was not qualified to do so. “They can’t have an absentee ballot because they don’t want to go to the polls or they had no intention of voting and someone wants them to vote, that’s not the way our election process works in New York State,” said Mark Dame, R-Plattsburgh [New York] District 8. (Source)
December 2013: Voter Fraud in New York
Last December, New York City’s Department of Investigation detailed how its undercover agents claimed at 63 polling places to be individuals who were in fact dead, had moved out of town, or who were in jail. In 61 instances, or 97 percent of the time, they were allowed to vote. (To avoid skewing results, they voted only for nonexistent write-in candidates.) How did the city’s Board of Elections respond? Did it immediately probe and reform their sloppy procedures? Not at all. It instead demanded that the investigators be prosecuted. (Source)
December 30, 2013: Voter Fraud in New York
The election board’s susceptibility to voter fraud by people impersonating the departed was uncovered during a massive probe of the agency by the Department of Investigation. The probe uncovered 63 instances when voters’ names should have been stricken from the rolls, but weren’t — even though some of them had died years before.
“The majority of those 63 individuals remained on the rolls nearly two years — and some as long as four years — since a death, felony conviction, or move outside of New York City [New York],” said DOI Commissioner Rose Gill Hearn.
Undercover DOI agents were able to access voting booths in 61 instances — including 39 dead people, 14 jail birds and eight non-residents. Only twice were the agents blocked.
For example, a 24-year female was able to access the ballot at a Manhattan poll site in November under the name of a deceased female who was born in 1923 and died in April 25, 2012 — and would have been 89 on Election Day.
Also at a Manhattan poll site, a 33-year-male investigator was able to vote under the name of a deceased man who would have been 94 on Election Day. (Source) and (Source) and (Source) and (Source)
February 26, 2014: Voter Fraud in Iowa
Iowa’s DCI wrapped up its investigation this month and has referred more than 80 cases of voter fraud to county attorneys for possible prosecution. Since the investigation was initiated by GOP Secretary of State Matt Schultz a year and a half ago, five people have pleaded guilty to voter fraud and 15 others are facing charges. (Source) and (Source)
May 8, 2014: Voter Fraud in Iowa
A two-year investigation of voter fraud in Iowa turned up 117 cases of illegal voting but only 27 people have been charged so far, Iowa Secretary of State Matt Schultz said Thursday when releasing a final report of the probe.
Schultz began the investigation in 2012 after cross-checking Iowa voter records with driver’s license records from the Iowa Department of Transportation. Schultz said it appeared more than 3,000 individuals had registered to vote between 2010 and 2012 that had identified themselves in DOT records as non-citizens.
He entered an agreement with the Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation to pay $250,000 over two years to look into the cases.
“There are people who voted who weren’t supposed to, and this is a situation where we tried to do something about it,” Schultz said. “I think it was the right thing to do and I stand by that.”
After the DCI compared the names Schultz provided with a federal immigration database, potential cases of non-citizen voters were narrowed to 147. In addition, the DCI agents looked into alleged cases of ineligible felons voting and began investigating 68 of those. Another 23 cases were investigated and included voters suspected of casting ballots in two states and those voting in Iowa but living elsewhere.
Out of the total 238 cases, the agents confirmed 117 illegal voting ones. The 27 people charged so far include six who have pleaded guilty, one found not guilty by a jury, and four whose cases were dismissed. One person was given a deferred prosecution and 15 remain in the court system. (Source)
May 9, 2014: Election Fraud in Alabama
Three women who worked on the 2013 campaign for District 2 City Commissioner Amos Newsome were arrested Friday and charged with a combined 56 counts of voter fraud stemming from the 2013 District 2 election, according to Houston County [Alabama] Sheriff Andy Hughes.
Olivia Lee Reynolds, 65, of West Main Street, was charged with 26 counts of falsifying ballots, while Lesa Renee Coleman, 49, of South Range Street, was charged with 20 counts. Janice Lee Hart, 63, of Eagle Road, was charged with 10 counts.
“Basically, they took part in falsifying applications for absentee ballots during the election,” said Hughes, who had been asked by District Attorney Doug Valeska to conduct an investigation into the allegations. In the August election, Newsome won against challenger Lamesa Danzey by 14 votes. Newsome received 119 of the 124 absentee votes that were cast. Danzey received more votes than Newsome at the polls. (Source)
October 28, 2014: Voting Machines’ Republican-To-Democratic Ballot Switch Claims
Early voting just started last week in Maryland, but there are already accusations that some voting machines are changing Republican votes to Democrat. Now Republicans are calling for an investigation by the State Board of Elections.
As Marylanders go to the polls, there are concerns that the vote you cast may not be for the candidate you want.
We’ve heard from scores of citizens in our district and around the state who have had this problem where they hit one button to vote for one person, and when they go to the summary they see that the other person was checked,” said Del Nik Kipke, (R) Anne Arundel County.
Republicans say they’ve received several dozen reports of Republican votes being changed to Democrat.
Delegate Kathy Szeliga says it happened to her.
“I kept pushing the Republican guy’s name and the machine kept going beep, beep, beep,” said Szeliga, (R) Baltimore & Harford Co. (Source)
November 3, 2014: Undercover Video Shows North Carolina Poll Workers Offering ballots to Ineligible Impostor – TWENTY TIMES
North Carolina election officials repeatedly offered ballots last week to an impostor who arrived at polling places with the names and addresses of ‘inactive’ voters who hadn’t participated in elections for many years. No fraudulent votes were actually cast: It was the latest undercover video sting from conservative activist James O’Keefe Now O’Keefe has strolled into more than 20 voting precincts in Raleigh, Durham and Greensboro, N.C., proffering the names of people who seldom vote in order to test the integrity of the election process.
‘I just sign this and then I can vote?’ he asked one poll worker. ‘Yep,’ came the reply.
Last week O’Keefe’s Project Veritas Action organization took its first deep-dive into North Carolina election politics, filming Democratic campaign workers saying they would help illegal immigrants vote for incumbent Senator Kay Hagan.
This time he strolled into polling places in Raleigh, Durham and Greensboro to see how easy it would be to vote fraudulently in the name of another person. He was offered twenty ballots at a variety of polling places before a pair of officials finally challenged him. ‘They wanted to protect the system,’ O’Keefe says in the video, released exclusively to MailOnline. ‘They had to break the rules to do it.’
‘Of all of the undercover investigations I’ve conducted, this was by far the easiest,’ he said Monday. ‘They were willing to pass out fraudulently obtained ballots like it was Halloween candy.’
If North Carolina is a hotbed of voter fraud – conservatives suggest it is, and that the dynamic benefits Democrats – the ground rules will change before the 2016 election. In 2013 Governor Pat McCrory signed a set of sweeping new voting rules into law, including a no-exceptions requirement that voters show a government-issued ID on Election Day.
‘The state legislature took extremely aggressive steps to curtail the voting rights of African-Americans,’ U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder claimed at the time. After a lawsuit from the Obama administration and a series of legal appeals, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled last month that the state is entitled to make voters prove who they are.
That provision of the law won’t go into effect until 2016 – other sections, including a ban on same-day voter registration, are in force already – making this go-round the last of its kind in the Tarheel State. O’Keefe is using North Carolina as a proxy for the other 42 states – and the District of Columbia – which don’t require voters to show a photo ID.
His crew used publicly available election rolls to identify ‘inactive’ voters and then chose 30-year-old men for him to impersonate. The final footage shows election officials, over and over, accepting O’Keefe’s claim that he was one of those people.
‘With almost three-quarters-of-a-million inactive voters and no voter ID law in place, we could have turned the election results for most major candidates in the state,’ he claimed Monday. ‘What we uncovered in this video illustrates how easy it would be for a well-orchestrated campaign with no regard for the law to change the outcome of a major election. Voter laws across the country need to be changed immediately to prevent this sort of potential voter fraud.’ (Source) and (Video Source)
September 24, 2016: Dead People Voting in Colorado
Local officials in Colorado acknowledged “very serious” voter fraud after learning of votes cast in multiple elections under the named of recently-deceased residents.
A local media outlet uncovered the fraud by comparing voting history databases in the state with federal government death records. “Somebody was able to cast a vote that was not theirs to cast,” El Paso County Clerk and Recorder Chuck Broerman told CBS4 while discussing what he called a “very serious” pattern of people mailing in ballots on behalf of the dead.
It’s not clear how many fraudulent ballots have been submitted in recent years. CBS4 reported that it “found multiple cases” of dead people voting around the state, revelations that have provoked state criminal investigations.
“We do believe there were several instances of potential vote fraud that occurred,” said Colorado Secretary of State Wayne Williams. “It shows there is the potential for fraud.” (Source)
October 23, 2016: Thousands of GOP Votes Likely Stolen In Pa.
Retired Pittsburgh-area manufacturer Bill Been stumbled into what may prove to be the most significant presidential vote fraud scandal since, at least, 1960.
Although Been did not buy into the myth of the missing millions of Republican voters for Mitt Romney in 2012, he was troubled by the Romney shortfall in at least three Pennsylvania counties: Philadelphia, the suburban Philadelphia county of Delaware, and the Pittsburgh-area county, Allegheny.
In fact, Romney outperformed John McCain’s 2008 numbers in virtually every state, including Pennsylvania, but in these three counties, he received 35,000 fewer votes than McCain had in 2008. (Source)
November 18, 2016: Claims of Votes by the Dead, Felons Cloud North Carolina Governor Race
North Carolina’s gubernatorial race was undecided 10 days after the Nov. 8 vote and new allegations by the Republican incumbent’s campaign about felons and dead people casting ballots could leave the outcome in limbo for weeks.
Republican Governor Pat McCrory, trailing Democratic challenger Roy Cooper by about 6,300 votes according to the state elections website Friday afternoon, has not conceded. Under state law, Friday was the deadline for counties to certify their results.
But challenges over the validity of hundreds of votes and reviews of provisional ballots were expected to delay the reports from many, if not all, of the state’s 100 counties, elections officials said.
The uncertainty has been punctuated this week by a war of words, with McCrory’s campaign accusing Cooper of being lax on voter fraud and Cooper’s campaign calling the incumbent dishonest and desperate.
Protests being filed by registered voters in some 50 counties argue that up to 200 ballots should be thrown out because they were cast under the names of dead people or by felons or individuals who voted more than once, according to the campaign. (Source)
December 7, 2016: Michigan Recount Uncovers Serious Voter Fraud in Detroit – Votes Counted Up to Six Times
In Detroit, one of the chief ways they engage in voter fraud is to count the same ballot MULTIPLE times. This is just ONE way. They also do some shady stuff with absentee ballots etc.
Once they started the Michigan recount in earnest, and knowing he would be exposed, the Detroit City Clerk Daniel Baxter all of a sudden started claiming that the optical scanners which read the paper ballots did not work the day of the election. Baxter blamed the discrepancies on decade-old voting machines. That is his cover story. Nothing like this was mentioned until he realized their voting fraud scheme would be detected.
Baxter’s claim is that, when trying to push the ballots through the readers, the ballots would be stuck and they’d have to push them through again thus ‘ACCIDENTALLY’ resulting in a double count. He says the poll workers sometimes ‘FORGET’ to adjust the machine count and instead let the ballot count twice.
And, it’s much worse than that. In one Detroit Precinct, a recount team was given a box of ballots with an unbroken seal where everything appeared proper and in place. The tag on the box said there were 306 ballots. The book said 306, and the ticket said 306, so that means there should be 306 paper ballots on the box. When they pulled out the ballots, there were exactly FIFTY paper ballots in a locked sealed box that again was supposed to have 306. The official canvasser approved count for this precinct was 306. For FIFTY ballots. (Source)
January 21, 2017: After voter fraud claims, legislators could change election laws
Legislators are expected to revisit election laws this year in the wake of voter-fraud allegations made by former Gov. Pat McCrory’s campaign after the November election.
McCrory’s campaign and Republican allies filed protests about voters who they suspected were either dead, serving felony sentences or voted more than once. They also challenged community groups funded by the N.C. Democratic Party that assisted voters with casting absentee ballots.
The State Board of Elections threw out the protests, saying they didn’t follow the proper protocol for contesting a voter’s eligibility. While some people were wrongly accused, an elections board official searched a database and found 339 voters who appeared to be serving an active felony sentence.
“It’s going to be incumbent on both parties to find some solutions to very difficult issues that have come out,” N.C. Republican Party executive director Dallas Woodhouse said as the post-election process wrapped up. (Source)
February 28, 2017: Ohio Official Finds 82 Noncitizens Had Cast Votes Illegally
Secretary of State Jon Husted on Monday said his latest review of Ohio’s voter registration rolls uncovered 385 more noncitizens, 82 of whom have apparently cast illegal ballots.
Mr. Husted plans to refer the 82 who voted to county prosecutors for possible felony prosecution, but will give the other 303 the opportunity to voluntarily remove themselves from the voter rolls.
Since Mr. Husted began these reviews of the registration rolls four years ago, he has discovered a total of 821 citizenship discrepancies, including 126 noncitizens who allegedly voted illegally and were referred for possible prosecution. (Source)
May 18, 2017: Criminal investigation opens into West Dallas voter fraud after ‘off the charts’ allegations
The Dallas County district attorney’s office has opened a criminal investigation into allegations of voter fraud in Saturday’s elections, affecting at least two Dallas City Council races.
Assistant District Attorney Andy Chatham said the investigation was opened after an “off the charts” number of allegations, especially in West Dallas, where, he said, there have long been “persistent rumors” of voter fraud and “messin’ around with mail-in ballots.” But nothing like this year, he said.
Late last week, Chatham asked a judge to sequester at least 670 mail-in ballots in races for Districts 2 and 6 before votes were counted Saturday night. That order was signed by District Court Judge Emily Tobolowsky, according to court records unsealed Monday morning.
In court records filed Monday morning, Chatham said that in April, his office began receiving complaints from Dallas County residents who said they received mail-in ballots despite not having requested them. The prosecutor said that further investigation revealed that “hundreds of Applications for Ballot by Mail … are suspicious in nature.”
As of Monday morning, 40 of the suspicious mail-in ballots were thrown out. Chatham, a former judge, said 40 people whose names were on those ballots showed up at the polls to vote in person Saturday and cast so-called provisional ballots. Those provisional votes have been counted. (Source)
May 19, 2017: 52 cases of possible voter fraud identified in Ohio from November 2016 election
Ohio election officials referred 52 possible cases of voter fraud stemming from the November 2016 election for further investigation or prosecution, Secretary of State Jon Husted announced Friday.
Ohio’s 88 county boards of election flagged 153 voting irregularities out of 5.6 million ballots cast during the November 2016 presidential election.
Of those, 52 individuals were referred to prosecutors.
Earlier this year, Husted’s office said it had found 82 instances where non-citizens illegally cast ballots in various Ohio elections since 2015. Letters have been sent to 426 non-citizens registered to vote, which is a felony, asking them to cancel their registrations or be referred to law enforcement. As of Friday, 202 people had been referred for failing to cancel their registrations. (Source)
October 24, 2017: Pennsylvania finds 544 possibly illegal ballots since 2000
Pennsylvania election officials say noncitizen immigrants may have cast 544 ballots illegally out of more than 93 million ballots in elections spanning 18 years in the state.
Department of State official Jonathan Marks told the state House State Government Committee on Wednesday that the agency conducted an analysis covering 35 primary and general elections from 2000 through 2017.
The number of ballots potentially cast by the noncitizen immigrants is one in every 172,000.
The department says those votes were apparently cast by noncitizen immigrants who later reported themselves as having mistakenly registered, though it also said it cannot guarantee the figure is accurate yet. (Source)
December 6, 2018 – The scandal in North Carolina Proves Voter Fraud Is Real
Maybe ballot security isn’t such a bad thing after all.
Democrats who the day before yesterday were insisting that voter fraud didn’t exist now believe that it was used to steal a North Carolina congressional seat from them — and they may well be right.
Republican Mark Harris has a 905-vote lead over Democrat Dan McCready in the state’s Ninth Congressional District, a slender victory that the state board of elections has refused to certify given credible allegations of cheating.
A consulting firm working for Harris contracted with an operative named McCrae Dowless based on his get-out-the-vote work, mostly involving his strange prowess with absentee ballots.
Dowless has a shady background that includes criminal convictions and a prior investigation of his election practices. His methods were seamy, at best.
Working from a storefront, he employed a crew to go door-to-door urging people to request absentee ballots. When they did, his team returned to collect the ballots, purportedly to deliver them to election officials but apparently to hand them over to Dowless first.
This itself is against the law in North Carolina, and rightly so. It destroys any chain of custody and creates the opportunity for abuse and corruption. There is evidence that Dowless may have availed himself of it.
Bladen County, the largely rural area where Dowless focused his work, outpaced other counties in absentee-ballot requests — with 7.5 percent of registered voters making a request, higher than the 2 percent or so in most of the rest of the counties.
Weirdly, only 19 percent of absentee ballots in Bladen were submitted by Republicans, yet Harris managed to win 61 percent of the absentee vote there. He didn’t win absentees in any other county.
The allegation is that Dowless may have pocketed absentee ballots not to his liking, particularly from black Democrats. If true, this would truly be a damnable — and literal — instance of “voter suppression.” (Dowless has denied wrongdoing.)
The Harris margin over McCready in Bladen County (162 votes) is considerably less than his overall margin. Yet there was almost certainly illegality in a very close election, and if Dowless was discarding or destroying ballots the number of affected votes may go higher. (Source)
February 15, 2019 – Audit Finds Signs of Fraud in New Mexico House Race
An audit of absentee ballots suggests fraud may have occurred in one of the closest House races in the country, The Daily Signal has learned.
Democrat Xochitl Torres Small squeaked by Republican Yvette Herrell in the final results of the Nov. 6 election.
On election night, Herrell declared victory in the race to represent New Mexico’s 2nd Congressional District. But as more votes were counted, Torres Small secured the win.
The roughly 3,500-vote victory for Torres Small—out of about 200,000 cast in the southern New Mexico district—relied heavily on absentee ballots from Doña Ana County, the largest county in the district, including the Las Cruces area.
A new audit report obtained by The Daily Signal alleges a “concerted effort” to push for absentee votes where New Mexico voter ID laws are not enforced. It also points to potential fraud in applying for absentee ballots, and says a significant number of absentee ballots were time-stamped after the 7 p.m. deadline election night.
On election night, media outlets called the race for Herrell, 54, who has been a member of the New Mexico House of Representatives since 2011.
But well after midnight, Harrison said, the office of New Mexico’s secretary of state informed the Herrell campaign of 4,000 absentee ballots in Doña Ana County still to be counted, which would not have flipped the race to Torres Small, who previously had not held elective office.
However, the state informed the campaign of another 4,000 absentee votes that had been counted but not tabulated, which was enough to change the outcome.
The report says nongovernmental groups “are almost certainly engaging in at best aggressive—and at worst fraudulent—procurement of absentee ballot applications.”
This would have involved an outside group that requested a large quantity of absentee ballots on behalf of others, possibly without their knowledge.
Fully 25 percent of the people who purportedly requested absentee ballots from the Doña Ana County clerk didn’t mail them back, according to the report.
That is more than twice the statewide average for unreturned absentee ballots. To receive an absentee ballot for mailing back, a voter first must send in an application providing a reason why he or she can’t vote in person on Election Day.(Source)
September 24, 2019 – Michigan City Clerk Charged With Altering Hundreds Of 2018 Midterm Ballots
National Review’s Jack Crowe reports that a Michigan city clerk, honored with a prestigious award by the state Democratic Party just this year, has been charged with six felony counts after being accused of altering 193 ballots during the 2018 midterm elections.
Sherikia Hawkins, a registered Democrat who earns more than $100,000 on the taxpayer’s dime, “was arraigned Monday in Southfield on charges including falsifying returns or records, forgery of a public record, misconduct in office, and multiple counts of using a computer to commit a crime,” reports Crowe.
Her arrest came after the Oakland County Clerk’s Office noticed that the ballots had “been changed to reflect that the voters failed to include a valid signature or return date, when all of the implicated voters had in fact included both items.” The original ballots were later discovered in the trash.
Hawkins has clerked for 16 elections, including a tightly contested Congressional race in 2010 as a deputy clerk. Gary Peters, a Democrat, ended up winning that election by a mere 6,504 votes out of 245,055.
Crowe reports that a state branch of American Rising is demanding a thorough inquiry into how many elections Hawkins may have impacted if the allegations are true.
“The charges against Ms. Hawkins are extremely troubling and must be fully investigated. The integrity of our elections is essential to the protection of our constitutional rights and individual liberty. Michigan Rising Action is calling for a full audit of every election that Ms. Hawkins oversaw in her capacity as an elections official,” Tori Sachs told National Review. (Source)
December 13, 2019 – Ohio Cracks Down on Voter Fraud
Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose continued this week aggressively pursuing criminal prosecutions against voters accused of gaming the state’s election laws. On Wednesday, the Republican serving in his first year as secretary of state referred 18 Ohio residents for prosecution on charges they voted twice in the 2018 midterm elections. This move comes on the heels of additional criminal referrals last week in which LaRose sent local prosecutors evidence that 77 noncitizens in the state voted in 2018 — and that another 277 noncitizens were illegally registered to vote.
“These are small numbers out of a state of 7.6 million registered voters, but there’s no such thing as an acceptable level of voter fraud,” LaRose told RealClearPolitics.
This doesn’t amount to much potential voter fraud, especially compared to claims that noncitizens are voting en masse. Earlier this year, the Texas secretary of state’s office produced documents claiming that 58,000 noncitizens had illegally voted in state elections between 1996 and 2018. It quickly emerged that the data was riddled with errors. The whole incident turned into a political debacle resulting in the May resignation of Secretary of State David Whitley.
On the other end of the spectrum, many voting rights activists wrongly claim that voter fraud is a myth. But if Ohio’s targeting of more than 400 potential cases of voter fraud seems trivial, it’s worth remembering that extremely close elections happen all the time. A year ago last summer, the Democratic primary for the post of Baltimore County executive was decided by 17 votes. In 2017, a general election contest in the Virginia House of Delegates in which 23,000 votes were cast ended in an exact tie – in a race that determined party control in Richmond. Likewise, a seat in the Vermont legislature was won by a single vote in 2016. Moreover, this was a rematch between a Democrat and Republican who ran against each other in 2010, an election also won by a single vote – in the other direction.
Close elections happen in statewide races too. In 2008, Democrat Al Franken won Minnesota’s U.S. Senate election by a mere 312 votes – out of 2.9 million votes cast. Accusations of illegal voting in that state have cast a shadow on the result ever since. A conservative group, Minnesota Majority, later cross-referenced criminal records and voter rolls and claimed to identify 1,099 felons who illegally voted in the race.
The 18 Ohio voters who allegedly voted twice in the 2018 election in different states were identified through a recent initiative to encourage states to share voter data.
Earlier this year, Pennsylvania admitted over 11,000 noncitizens were registered to vote due to an error at the state’s Department of Motor Vehicles. The state was alerted to the problem in 2017, but didn’t concede that thousands of noncitizens were registered until a lawsuit by the Public Interest Legal Foundation forced the state to address the problem.
PILF released a study in 2017 claiming that Virginia had removed 5,556 noncitizens from the voter rolls between 2011 and May 2017, and that 1,852 of them had voted a total of 7,474 times. However, just as state officials have had problems with voter data, outside efforts to accurately ascertain the extent of voter fraud data have had problems as well – PILF later apologized to four people wrongly identified as noncitizens in state records and who were later named in PILF’s report. (Source)
September 24, 2020 – Texas Official and 3 Others Indicted on 134 Felonies in Mail-in Ballot Fraud Case
With top Republicans, including the president, bringing up claims of fraud involving voting-by-mail, indictments announced Thursday against a Democratic county commissioner in East Texas appear to bolster those accusations.
The office of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton announced 134 felony charges were filed against Gregg County Commissioner Shannon Brown and three co-defendants in connection to an alleged vote harvesting scheme involving a Democratic primary in 2018.
According to Paxton’s office, Brown and others targeted “young, able-bodied” voters to cast ballots by mail by fraudulently claiming the voters were “disabled,” in most cases without the voters’ knowledge or consent. The indictments claim this was done to increase the pool of ballots needed to swing the race in Brown’s favor. (Source)
November 6, 2020: Trump’s Director of Election Day Operations Tweets Video of Philly ‘Volunteers’ Busted Handling Absentee Ballots in Counting Center Basement
President Donald Trump’s Director of Election Day Operations shared an alarming video on Friday of Philadelphia “volunteers” handling absentee ballots in the basement of the counting center.
When confronted about their bizarre actions, the woman claimed that she is “just a volunteer” and does not know the name of her supervisor.
The woman refused to explain what they were doing in the basement with the ballots or why their supervisor was not present.
Trump’s campaign has sued Philadelphia County’s Board of Elections after election officials were “intentionally refusing to allow any representatives and poll watchers for President Trump and the Republican Party.” The campaign is also challenging a ruling in Pennsylvania that would allow votes received up to three days after the election to be counted. (Source)
November 7, 2020: Turncoat GOP elections board members resign in North Carolina After Siding with Democrats on “Fixing” Flawed Ballots
‘Blindsided’: GOP elections board members in NC resign in protest over irregular absentee ballots
Democrats insisted on letting voters fix certain witness information problems by filling out an affidavit instead of starting a new ballot from scratch (https://t.co/JOfEq6EEYq)
— Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_)
The two Republican members of North Carolina’s state elections board have resigned after signing off on a settlement to help voters fix absentee ballot problems that has been criticized by state GOP leaders, officials said Wednesday.
The State Board of Elections is having a meeting two days after the announcement.
Ken Raymond and David Black announced their resignations late Wednesday from the North Carolina State Board of Elections over the tentative agreement to let voters correct problems with witness information on their absentee ballots without filling out an entirely new ballot. The agreement would let voters fix certain witness information problems by filling out an affidavit instead of starting a new ballot from scratch. Raymond and Black had joined the three Democratic state board members in unanimously approving the settlement, which was announced Tuesday and is subject to a judge’s approval. (Source)
November 7, 2020: Bucks County, Pennsylvania Board of Elections Director Confirms “Spoiled” Ballots Were Illegally Handled and Destroyed
Project Veritas on Saturday night released video of Bucks County, Pennsylvania Board of Elections Director Tom Freitag confirming spoiled ballots were illegally handled and destroyed.
A ballot is considered “spoiled” if an election official with authority determines it is invalid.
A ballot may be spoiled if it is damaged and unable to go through a scanning machine, if it is blank or if more choices are marked than permitted (overvoting).
Spoiled ballots are not included in the vote count.
Poll workers in Bucks County were throwing spoiled ballots in the garbage rather than preserving them for three years.
“The poll worker should not have thrown it in the garbage,” PA Board of Elections Director Tom Freitag confirmed.
“Whoever was the judge of elections, didn’t do it correctly.” he said. (Source)
November 8, 2020: Detroit Ballot Counters Were Counting “Xerox Copies” as Actual Military Votes
There were numerous activities that occurred in the room in Detroit where counting took place which appear to be criminal.
Republican poll watchers were limited in the room and labeled with big signs like Jews in Nazi Germany. Democrat poll watchers and ballot counters were not labeled the same.
It’s unknown who all the individuals permitted in the massive room for recounting were. These individuals harassed and demeaned Republican poll watchers the entire time. They never should have been allowed in there. Police were there to gladly escort them out while the entire crowd in the monstrous room cheered their exit.
The Democrats in charge of the counting covered up the windows to prevent outsiders to observe their illegal acts.
Then came the time to count the military votes. The Republicans were looking forward to this because these votes are traditionally Republican. Right before this a number of Republican poll watchers decided to take a quick break. When they came back they were prevented from getting back in the room.
When Patty from 100% Fed Up finally forced herself into the room, she uncovered why they were preventing Republicans from entering the room.
The Gateway Pundit spoke with Patty and she said the ballot counters were taking Xerox copies from the envelopes and filling these suspect Xerox copies on to a legitimate ballot to feed through th machine.
Half of our GOP workers were locked outside and couldn’t come in. So they started the military vote with only about 40 of us inside and there were 134 tables. They knew that we couldn’t oversee the ballots and that’s why they were locking us out. It had nothing to do with there was too many people in the room. They called the health inspector down to say there were too many people in the room. Well if there were too many people in the room, maybe some of the Democrat agitators who didn’t have any credentials should have left the room? Those people didn’t leave the room. There were two to three of those people at almost every table when I got there.
So they locked the GOP workers out so we couldn’t watch over the military ballots. Once we started counting the military ballots, I realized why they locked us out.
They started opening the ballots and the ballots are in regular envelopes, right. They are addressed to the Detroit City Clerk from overseas, many of them. And so they would open the ballots and in almost every case it was a Xerox copy of a ballot and the ballots looked very similar every time they opened them, which is really strange to me because another thing that’s really strange to me, EVERY SINGLE BALLOT WITHOUT EXCEPTION AT THE TABLE WHERE I WAS WORKING FROM THE MILITARY WAS A NON-REGISTERED VOTER AND WITHOUT EXCEPTION THEY VOTED FOR A STRAIGHT DEMOCRAT OR AT LEAST FOR …JOE BIDEN AND GARY PETERS. Both who happen to be the worst candidates in the world.
I mean seriously, nobody votes for Joe Biden unless they hate Trump so bad that it’s just a vote against Trump. But nobody votes for Gary Peters, Senator Gary Peters, because nobody knows who Senator Gary Peters is.
Next Patty described a van that pulled up the night before along with a Ferrari and a Chrysler 300, all with out of state plates that dropped off ballots.
All military ballots and non-registered voter ballots in Michigan and across the US should be identified, audited and thrown out if fraudulent ballots. Those who accepted these ballots should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. (Source)
November 10, 2020 – Ten State Attorneys General Join Suit Against Pennsylvania Where Individuals Were Allowed to Vote Three Days After the Election
Republican Attorneys General from 10 states joined together to file an amicus curiae brief in support of two lawsuits asking the U.S. Supreme Court to review Pennsylvania’s three-day extension to receive mail-in ballots.
The brief was filed Nov. 9 in support of Republican Party of Pennsylvania v. Boockvar and Scarnati v. Boockvar by the Attorney General of Missouri and joined by the Attorneys General of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, South Dakota and Texas.
Both lawsuits challenge a decision made by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court in October mail-in ballots could be counted if they were received by Friday, Nov. 6… (Source)
November 11, 2020 – Michigan Witness Says Many Faked Ballots in Detroit, ZERO Trump Ballots, Even Among Military!
Witness Kolanagireddy described illegal ballots and actions in Wayne County that delivered the Michigan election from Donald Trump to Joe Biden.
She saw ballots that were marked in such a way that should have disqualified them from being processed, but were counted anyway. “Everytime they would scan the ballot, nothing would come up in the system,” she said. The system was the qualified voter file which is the registration of legal voters. “They were entering names of people manually and assigning them a poll number.”
The observed ballots were missing a date of birth, required under state law. When she brought this up to the proper authorities on site, they told her that the Clerk’s office had already made sure that all of the ballots were valid before they were sent. Later they told her, according to Kolanagireddy’s statement, that the Wayne County Clerk’s office had verified a birthdate on a ballot that had none, for a voter who was not in the qualified voter file.
“We were told the Clerk’s office verified both the signature and date of birth for ballots that did not have them,” she said. Kolanagireddy noticed the same exact signature on many of these illegal ballots.
“I took one step forward to see the dates on the ballots, they said November, space, no date, then 2020.” Upon asking the supervisor about these undated and improperly dated ballots, Kolanagireddy was told “they were just doing their job.”
Kolanagireddy reports seeing sequential ballots that were suspicious and obviously false and asking herself, “How are the numbers all next to one another? Something is not going right here. Identical signatures? No dates? And now the same series of voters, all voting for Biden?”
These ballots were all tabulated according to Kolanagireddy. “I never saw a single vote for Trump. Even the military ballots were all for Biden. We were four people who went, and only one of us saw a Trump ballot in the two days we were there.” Supervisors refused to record the lawful challenges by Kolanagireddy.
Even though Detroit is a reliably Democrat city, support for Trump was high enough where Kolanagireddy’s claims, if true, seem to be statistically unlikely without the presence of fraud. Polls suggested Trump’s support among African-Americans was at about 19%. Exit surveys said Trump had 12% support among African-Americans nationwide. Wayne County Michigan is 38.7% African American. Detroit is 82% African American among its estimated 667,272 population. 52% of military veterans said they were planning to vote to re-elect Trump.
Kolanagireddy also described meeting a woman who claimed that provisional illegal ballots were being backdated to make them legal, changing ballots labeled November 4 to November 2, making sure that information ended up with the Michigan State Party.
Kolanagireddy also saw the intimidation tactics used and employed to eject GOP Poll Challengers, saying “they were targeting Republicans” and noting that it was largely racially-based. When she tried to stop the ejections, they asked her why she was getting in the middle of the ejections and offered no legal basis for the removal of the legally permitted poll challengers and watchers. She says she was told, “you are on the wrong side.” She said every poll worker she encountered clearly hated Republicans, “they saw a friend in them [Democrats], and an enemy in us [Republicans].”
Kolanagireddy noted that the ACLU cooperated with the exclusion of GOP Poll Challengers and did nothing to preserve the integrity of the ballot counting process, assisting and aiding as Democrats flaunted the rules in order to remove legal observers from the process. Poll workers, according to Kolanagireddy, cheered when Republicans were ejected and not a single Democrat was ejected even though she observed them violating the same rules used to oust Republicans.
The Wayne County Clerk’s office was called for comment but were not in the office and have not responded. The ACLU of Michigan was also called for comment but did not answer.
View The Entire Statement Here: https://youtu.be/hKtnYZ8X8UE or https://www.bitchute.com/video/zRUhq5u8z38M/ (Source)
March 20, 2021: Two dozen more charged in voter fraud probe, many non-citizen foreign nationals: North Carolina federal attorneys
Federal attorneys in North Carolina have been investigating allegations of voter-related fraud, and on Friday, announced that 24 additional people have been charged over the last 18 months…. On Friday, the U.S. attorney’s office for eastern North Carolina released a statement revealing that four defendants were being charged with making false claims of U.S. citizenship in order to register to vote in the 2016 general election. The two charged with unlawful voting also are accused of false claims of citizenship, according to the Associated Press.
“Gabriela Guzman-Miguel, 26, and Jose Abraham Navarro, 42, both of Mexico, are accused to have voted despite lacking the legal status to do so,” the Epoch Times reported. “The list described both as aliens or immigrants.”
The defendants hailed from 15 countries, including Honduras, France, Yemen, Iraq, Nigeria, and Canada. The first charges were filed in September 2019, and arrests have been as recent as this month.
“The charges include making false claims of U.S. citizenship in order to register to vote, naturalization fraud, and fraud and misuse of visas, permits, and other documents as it relates to the registration to vote, and false statements in immigration proceedings,” the statement from the U.S. attorney’s office for eastern North Carolina reads…. (Source)
A Sampling of Recent Election Fraud Cases from Across the United States
By The Heritage Foundation