Diversity & Tolerance

Diversity & Tolerance

Diversity & Tolerance


Diversity is simultaneously an important and contemptible term in today’s climate of political correctness. According to Merriam Webster’s Dictionary, diversity means: diverseness, multeity, multifariousness, multiformity, multiplicity, variousness. Its related words are: difference, dissimilarity, distinction, divergence, divergency, unlikeness. Diversity’s antonyms are: uniformity and identity.

Diversity implies toleration of differences among people no matter what that difference might be, including those differences that are racial, sexual, ideological or political. Diversity also implies a willingness to permit others who disagree with you to go their separate ways, and form institutions and groups among like-minded friends and associates. In the political arena, diversity implies decentralized decision-making power that in turn requires limited government.

What’s called for and practiced by college administrators, courts and administrative agencies is anything but a defense of individual rights, freedom from conformity and a doctrine of live-and-let-live. Instead, diversity is an increasingly popular catchword for all kinds of conformity — conformity in ideas, actions and speech. It calls for re-education programs where diversity managers indoctrinate students, faculty members, employees, managers and executives on what’s politically correct thinking.

Part of that lesson is non-judgmentalism, where one is taught that one lifestyle is just as worthy as another, or all cultures and their values are morally equivalent….

Universities, corporations and government offices that do not hire, promote or admit the right number of minorities, women, disabled or other “protected” classes of Americans are seen as politically incorrect. As such, they risk exposure to heavy-handed Equal Employment Opportunity Commission enforcement actions, government and private lawsuits, loss of government grants and contracts, or loss of university accreditation.

Diversity is simply the old racism in a new guise, spiced up with a touch of sexism. Diversity is a call for race-conscious decisions in hiring, promotion and college admittance policy. Diversity management success is measured by the numbers: How many minorities or women are employed, promoted or enrolled? Wrong numbers invite the wrath of the state.

At colleges, diversity doesn’t mean political diversity. It is by no means unusual to find colleges where the bulk of the faculty — sometimes 80 percent or 90 percent — is registered Democrat. In some academic departments, such as philosophy, history and political science, it is by no means rare to find 100 percent of the faculty is registered Democrat.

Equal treatment, academic standards and meritocracy are the major casualties of the quest for diversity. In fact, equal treatment, academic standards and meritocracy can lead to charges of racism by the diversity elite. [There was a time] when blacks demanded that questions about race be removed from job or credit application forms. [They] said race was irrelevant and demanded color-blindness. In today’s racial spoils system, racial designations are required.

What might true diversity look like on college campuses? Different colleges might pursue different policies with regard to race and sex. Some might have color- and sex-blind admittance and hiring policies, while others, at least at private colleges, might be race- and sex-conscious. Some colleges would have faculty members who are mostly liberal Democrats or conservative Republicans, as opposed to the current domination by liberal Democrats. There’d be free speech rather than speech codes.

Official racism, in the forms of quotas and preferences, has fallen out of public and political favor, and so has some of its agenda’s coded words. Large corporations used to have their “urban affairs” office in charge of racial numbers. Later on, it was the corporate or university “affirmative action” office. Now it’s the “equity” office, soon maybe to become the office for “diversity management.” But racism is racism with or without a smiley face.

Excerpted from “Diversity” (by Walter E. Williams, January 16, 2001).

Additional Resources:

By Walter E. Williams
January 16, 2001

Diversity Perversity
By Walter E. Williams
April 5, 2011

How DEI Corrupts America’s Universities
By Christopher Rufo
June 23, 2024

The Absurdity of Thinking Disparities Prove Discrimination
By Walter E. Williams

McKinsey’s “Diversity Matters/Delivers/Wins” Results Revisited
By Jeremiah Green and John R. M. Hand
March 2024

How the Diversity Agenda Corrupts Higher Education: An Interview with Heather Mac Donald
By The Heritage Foundation
June 10, 2019

Discriminating Toward Equality: Affirmative Action and the Diversity Charade
By Jennifer Gratz (The Heritage Foundation)
February 27, 2014

DEI Captures the University of Florida
By Christopher F. Rufo
April 6, 2023

Kidneys Don’t See Color
By Heather Mac Donald
April 15, 2024

Bring DEI to the NBA


The Authoritarian Roots of Corporate Diversity Training
By Carl Horowitz
June 2007

Jane Elliott and Her Blue-Eyed Devil Children
By Carl Horowitz
December 28, 2006

Corporate Diversity Training
By Carl Horowitz
July 14, 2007

“Anti-Racism”: The Mailed Fist of Multiculturalism
By Lawrence Auster
July 16, 2004


The Diversity Delusion: How Race and Gender Pandering Corrupt the University and Undermine Our Culture
By Heather Mac Donald
September 14, 2018

What Is the University Diversity Scam?
By Heather Mac Donald (Prager University)
March 2015

Is America Losing Its Mind?
By Michael Knowles
August 22, 2022 (Prager University)

The DEI [Diversity, Equity & Inclusion] Disaster
By Christian Watson (Prager University)
October 31, 2022



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