Additional Information on Warren Buffett

Additional Information on Warren Buffett

Additional Information on Warren Buffett


* Some of Buffett’s investments have led to controversy, most notably his acquisition of Wesco in 1974, his involvement with Solomon Brothers (1990), as well as Gen Re, a Berkshire Hathaway subsidiary (2006). In 2012, five former Gen Re executives pleaded guilty to conducting a fraudulent reinsurance transaction. Buffett has also drawn criticism over the board of directors at Berkshire Hathaway, whom many charge are mere cronies and friends of Buffett.

* In addition to the business ventures cited in the profile, Buffett has served as the director of Citigroup Global Markets Holdings, the Gillette Company, and the Graham Holdings Company. He is also an advisory board member of Everytown for Gun Safety.

* In 2012, Buffett was diagnosed with prostate cancer. In November of the same year, he successfully completed radiation treatment.

* One of Buffet’s sons, Peter, runs a philanthropy known as the NoVo Foundation, whose mission is to overcome the “competition, exploitation and domination” that have resulted from centuries of “conquest and colonialism.” In one particular year, NoVo donated more than $1 million to the New World Foundation.

* Buffett’s other two children, Susan and Howard, are also involved in philanthropic foundations.

* As of early 2018, Buffett’s fortune was estimated at $84.7 billion.

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