Additional Information on the Presbyterian Church USA

Additional Information on the Presbyterian Church USA

Additional Information on the Presbyterian Church USA


* PCUSA has made financial contributions to the Center for International Policy.

* PCUSA’s Environmental Ministries help the “Eco-Justice network” Presbyterians for Earth Care, which is dedicated to “environmental wholeness with social justice.” These Ministries also help “Presbyterians for Earth Care” to support young adults who are interested in becoming “Eco-Stewards.”

* PCUSA’s “Wage Peace” initiative seeks “to actively confront violence in its many forms and find constructive ways to address its effects.”

* PCUSA’s Fight Poverty ministry seeks to address impoverishment wherever in the world it may exist.

* PCUSA’s Human Trafficking mission utilizes synods, presbyteries and local congregations to devise ways of combating “the recruitment, harboring, transporting, providing or obtaining by any means any person for forced labor, slavery or servitude in any industry or site such as agriculture, construction, prostitution, manufacturing, begging, domestic service or marriage.”

* The Presbyterian Disaster Assistance program enables congregations and mission partners of PCUSA “to witness to the healing love of Christ through caring for communities adversely affected by crisis and catastrophic event.” This program “connects partners locally and internationally with key organizations active in the response—United Nations, NVOAD (National Voluntary Agencies Active in Disaster), World Food Program, Red Cross, FEMA and others.”

* The Presbyterian Hunger Program (PHP) “connect[s] Presbyterians to impoverished communities, in the U.S. and overseas, to “spark understanding about the root causes of hunger and to inspire collaboration with those most affected in order to address systemic obstacles.”

* PCUSA operates a number of “racial ethnic” schools and colleges that offer “an environment which supports and nurtures racial and ethnic heritage” for students who “may be marginalized” and thus “would not be accepted at other institutions of higher learning.”

According to PCUSA, when Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf Coast, with such lethal force in August 2005, the federal government’s. “lack of response” to the devastation shone a light on the type of “systemic Racism” that “marginalize[d]” blacks in all areas of life.

* PCUSA’s Young Women’s Leadership Development, a national ministry of the Presbyterian Mission Agency, provides resources to young adult women (ages 18-35) who are considering leadership opportunities in the church.

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