* In 2004, NWF’s then-President and CEO, Larry Schweiger, commissioned several polls to “prove” the unpopularity of President George W. Bush’s efforts to open ANWR and other Western lands for energy development. And in an effort to discredit the Bush administration’s reading of a 2001 Supreme Court decision regarding what constituted wetlands that the Army Corps of Engineers was obliged to protect, NWF joined Earthjustice, the Natural Resources Defense Council, and the Sierra Club in producing a 2004 reporttitled Reckless Abandon: How the Bush Administration is Exposing America’s Waters to Harm.
* To disseminate its environmentalist message as widely as possible, NWF publishes an online magazine titled National Wildlife. It also publishes Ranger Rick and Ranger Rick Jr., subscription-only magazines for children. To raise additional funds, NWF sells such items as cards, clothing, travel mugs, toys, games, phone apps, videos, and a variety of other gift items.