Additional Information on the Carnegie Corporation of New York

Additional Information on the Carnegie Corporation of New York

Additional Information on the Carnegie Corporation of New York


* The Carnegie Corporation’s Education Program, which places a heavy emphasis on boosting the scholastic achievement of nonwhite students, seeks to: “improv[e] systems of preparing, recruiting, and developing teachers and education leaders to serve the needs of diverse learners”; “advance policies and practices that help young people enter, succeed in, and complete their postsecondary education”; and “build public demand for an equitable, high-quality education system.”

* Carnegie’s Higher Education and Research in Africa Program works to “enhance training, research, and retention of academics in select countries of sub-Saharan Africa.”

* Carnegie-funded immigration campaigns commonly use ad hominem attacks against those who raise legitimate and logical concerns about mass immigration and its ramifications. For example, the Center for Immigration Studies notes that one CCNY grantee, the Center for New Community, has conducted a “particularly aggressive … smear campaign” that, “in the name of tolerance,” routinely attacks organizations that support immigration-law enforcement as “white nationalists whose concerns are rooted in bigotry.”

* One of Carnegie’s most significant past programs was its Islam Initiative, which: (a) “supported the strengthening of outreach and communication by leading academic institutions with programs that increase knowledge about Muslim societies and communities,” and (b) “promoted networks of foundations and nonprofit organizations that complement official efforts to improve relations with predominantly Muslim states.”

* To view a list of what the Carnegie Corporation identifies as its major accomplishments over the years, click here.

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