Additional Information on the Allstate Foundation

Additional Information on the Allstate Foundation

Additional Information on the Allstate Foundation


* As of 2005, the Allstate Foundation’s Economic Empowerment Program was divided into four subcategories:

  • Insurance Education, which produced high-school curricula teaching the importance and function of different types of insurance;
  • Economic Literacy, which sought to help “bridge the digital divide that prevents low-income people from joining the economic mainstream [and accessing] needed resources,” and sponsored “financial planning seminars [teaching] people how to purchase, insure and maintain a home”;
  • Entrepreneurial Business Skill Development, which worked in partnership with the NAACP to teach teenagers and young adults people the basics of running a business; and
  • Women’s Business Development Center, whose mission was to “create opportunities for women-owned businesses and help them become financially self-sufficient.”

* In 2005, grants awarded under the Economic Empowerment program included $210,000 to the National Council of La Raza, and $100,000 to the National Urban League.

* As of 2005, the Tolerance, Inclusion and Diversity program included three major projects:

  • Teaching TolerancePolice and Teens, which was designed to “engag[e] youth, law enforcement and educators in a dialogue”;
  • Alleviating Discrimination, which promoted a “Hate-Free Zone” campaign “where acts of hatred and discrimination will not be tolerated”; and
  • Ending Hate Crimes, whose purpose was to “educate local community leaders, organizations and law enforcement about hate crimes.”
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