Additional Information on Ted Trimpa

Additional Information on Ted Trimpa

Additional Information on Ted Trimpa


* Over the years, Trimpa has donated money to the political campaigns of such notable Members of Congress as Tammy Baldwin, Richard Blumenthal, Ben Cardin, David Cicilline, Hillary Clinton, Chris Coons, Tammy Duckworth, Dick Durbin, Donna Edwards, Al Franken, Al Gore, Raul Grijalva, Tom Harkin, Hakeem Jeffries, Ben Lujan, Ed Markey, Claire McCaskill, Chellie Pingree, Jared Polis, Bill Richardson, Charles Schumer, and Tom Udall.

* An advocate for the legalization of marijuana, Trimpa coined the phrase: “Pot is the new gay.”

* According to the Denver Post, Trimpa in 2005 worked “behind the scenes” to help pass hate-crimes legislation protecting homosexuals in Colorado.

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