Additional Information on Susan Berresford

Additional Information on Susan Berresford

Additional Information on Susan Berresford


* Berresford has personally made campaign contributions to a number of Democratic congressional candidates. She has also given money to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.

* Over the years, Berresford has served as: (a) a board member and chair of United States Artists, which provides financial assistance and health insurance to musical, theatrical, visual, and literary artists; (b) a board member of the Council on Foundations, the Hermine and Robert Popper Foundation, the Chase Manhattan Corporation, the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, andUNICEF; (c) a director of the California Endowment; (d) an advisory board member of the Trinidad Trust Fund (California); (e) a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, the American Academy of the Arts and Sciences, the European Foundation Centre’s Governing Council, and Trinity Church Vestry (New York City); and (f) the convener of the U.S.-Vietnam Dialogue Group on Agent Orange/Dioxin.

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