Additional Information on Steve Max

Additional Information on Steve Max

Additional Information on Steve Max


* In 1980, Harry Boyte published his best-known work, The Backyard Revolution, which examined and promoted the teachings of Saul Alinsky and other radicals from an earlier era. The book was dedicated to Heather Booth, Ernie Cortes, Si Kahn, and Steve Max.

* Max spoke at the annual Socialist Scholars Conference in New York City in April 1992.

* In June 1993, Max took some of the organizing methods he had developed at the Midwest Academy and taught them at a three-day DSA Organizing Institute session held at Drew University in New Jersey. He covered such topics as political strategy development, recruitment, and coalition building.

* In 2004, Max spoke at a national conference in New York which was sponsored by DSA’s youth section, the Young Democratic Socialists, and was titled “Life After Bush: Youth Activism & the Fight for Our Future.”

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