Additional Information on Stephen Zunes

Additional Information on Stephen Zunes

Additional Information on Stephen Zunes


* In May 2004, Zunes made a speech at a Santa Cruz, California event entitled“From Iraq to Palestine: U.S. Imperialism in the Middle East.” This event was co-sponsored by the Committee for Justice in Palestine, an Ohio State University (OSU) group that ran a Divestment Campaign exhorting OSU officials to sever all of the university’s financial ties to Israeli corporations and interests.

* In a July 2015 interview, Zunes likened Morocco’s 1975 annexation of the Western Sahara to Israel’s activities in Palestine.

* On February 12, 2016, Zunes wrote an article for Foreign Policy In Focusstating that America is a “pervasively sexist society.”

* In a July 3, 2016 article he wrote for the Huffington Post, Zunes denounced“the dramatic and disruptive decision by the U.K. Electorate” to leave the European Union, as a measure “apparently rooted in anti-immigrant sentiment.” “British authorities have already reported an alarming spike in anti-immigrant hate crimes since the ‘Brexit’ referendum,” he said. “Fear of terrorist attacks is causing not just a rise in xenophobia, but an erosion of civil liberties, a rise in anti-Muslim activity, and the threat of further Western military intervention in the Middle East.”

* At various times, Zunes has served as a research associate at the Center for Global, International and Regional Studies at UC Santa Cruz; a visiting professor for the International Master in Peace, Conflict, and Development Studies at Jaume I University in Spain; a visiting research professor at the National Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies at the University of Otago in New Zealand; founding director of the Institute for a New Middle East Policy; and a research fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies, the Institute for Global Security Studies, and the United States Institute of Peace.

* Zunes writes frequently for such left-wing publications as the Huffington Post,,, The, Tikkun,,, The Cairo Review Of Global Affairs, Mother Jones, and The Progressive, He is a frequent guest on National Public RadioPacifica RadioPBSBBC, MSNBC, CNN, Al-Jazeera, and China Radio International. He has also appeared many times on Democracy Now! with Amy Goodman. And he has spoken at more than 150 colleges and universities, and scores of community groups, in the United States, Canada, Europe, Africa, and Australia.

* Zunes was a recipient of a National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship on Middle Eastern and Central Asian Studies at Dartmouth College, and a Joseph J. Malone Fellowship in Arab and Islamic Studies. In 2002, he won recognition from the Peace and Justice Studies Association as “Peace Scholar of the Year.”

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