Additional Information on Spike Lee

Additional Information on Spike Lee

Additional Information on Spike Lee


* Spike Lee is a National Advisory Board member of the Disarm Education Fund, which seeks “to ban all private ownership of handguns.” Other board members over the years have included such notables as: Aris AnagnosEd AsnerRamsey ClarkDave DellingerBishop Thomas GumbletonMario ObledoMichael RatnerPete Seeger, Robert Schwartz, Martin Sheen, and Howard Zinn.

* Over the years, Lee has given money to the campaigns of a handful of political candidates — all Democrats. These recipients include Bill Bradley, Harvey Gantt, Hillary Clinton, Ronald Kirk, and Barack Obama.

* During the course of his cinematic career, Lee has won two Emmy Awards. His production company, 40 Acres and a Mule, won a Peabody Award in recognition of Lee’s film Huey P. Newton Story, about the notorious Black Panther.

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