Additional Information on Shira Scheindlin

Additional Information on Shira Scheindlin

Additional Information on Shira Scheindlin


* Scheindlin was once a member of the Judicial Conference of the United States Advisory Committee on the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. She has been a chair of the Commercial and Federal Litigation Section of the NYSBA, a board member of New York Civil Liberties Union, a member of the American Law Institute, and a member of several committees of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York.

* Scheindlin presided in a class-action lawsuit involving 309 cases in which shareholders of tech stocks accused underwriters of artificially inflating the value of stock in technology companies that went public in the 1990’s. The judge approved a settlement of $586 million.

* Scheindlin also presided over three trials of John “Junior” Gotti (son of the late mob boss John Gotti) and the trial of the Russian international arms dealer Viktor Bout.

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