Additional Information on Re:Gender

Additional Information on Re:Gender

Additional Information on Re:Gender

In the early to mid 2000s, Re:Gender — which was then known as the National Council for Research on Women, or NCRW — marketed a number of publications promoting the notion that the civil rights and liberties of American women were under constant assault. Among those publications were: (a) Slip Sliding Away: The Erosion of Hard-Won Gains for Women Under the Bush Administration, and (b) Bush’s Other War: The Assault on Women’s Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights.

Also in the mid 2000s, Re:Gender maintained that:

  • women should be granted the unrestricted right to taxpayer-funded abortion-on-demand;
  • President Bush’s tax cuts were unjust, having “mostly benefited the rich and not helped middle and lower income tax payers, who are disproportionately women”;
  • American women suffered disproportionately from poverty and were underrepresented among political office-holders;
  • women in many other countries had greater influence on their nations’ political processes than their counterparts in the U.S.;
  • military spending should be cut drastically, and social welfare spending should be increased; and
  • the quality of life for women in Iraq had worsened since the U.S. invasion of 2003.
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