Additional Information on Pete Seeger

Additional Information on Pete Seeger

Additional Information on Pete Seeger


* In 1972 Seeger was elected to the Songwriters Hall of Fame. In 1993 he was given a lifetime achievement Grammy Award. In 1994 President Bill Clintonpresented him with the National Medal of Arts, the highest arts honor an American can receive. And in 1996 Seeger was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, in recognition of his early influence on the genre.

* When a reporter in 2005 asked Seeger about how he could have supported Joseph Stalin during the height of the latter’s oppressive reign, Seeger drew a moral equivalence between the Soviet Union and the United States, sayingthat the School of the Americas—the U.S. Army training facility that engages in joint exercises with Latin American soldiers—taught Latin American soldiers “how to torture, how to massacre, how to assassinate.”

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