Additional Information on Mohamed Elibiary

Additional Information on Mohamed Elibiary

Additional Information on Mohamed Elibiary


* Elibiary has characterized former Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi, a prominent member of the Muslim Brotherhood, as “Egypt’s Mandela.” And even though Morsi was deposed by overwhelming popular demand in 2013, Elibiary contends that a Brotherhood-affiliated candidate would still win a free and fair election in Egypt today.

* As for the Christian Copts in Egypt who opposed Morsi and the Brotherhood, Elibiary considers them to be “extremely unwise and immoral” people. He has similarly accused American Coptic leaders of being “extremist,” “promoting Islamophobia,” and “nurtur[ing] anti-Islam and anti-Muslim sentiments.”

* By Elibiary’s reckoning, the U.S. has no right to oppose the implementation of Sharia law in Muslim countries. “We must always resist the temptation to force one group such as Islamists to reform by adopting ‘liberalism’ for example,” he says. “That would be denying them their self-determination to structure their societies according to their public will.”

* Elibiary has been invited to testify before Congress on U.S. counter­terrorism policy. He is also an associate member of the International Association of Chiefs of Police; a member of the Intelligence and National Security Alliance; and a lifetime member of the International Association of Business Communicators.

* Elibiary has appeared publicly with Jamal Badawi, who was an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation trial — owing to his active fundraising for the group. Badawi also has close ties to the Assembly of Muslim Jurists of America, the Islamic Society of North America, and the Muslim American Society.

* Elibiary has posted messages on Twitter indicating that he has met, on occasion, with the relatives of Hamas leaders.

* Elibiary has served as:

  • spokesman for the Islamic Association of North Texas (a.k.a. the Dallas Central Mosque), which boasts the largest Muslim congregation in the state
  • vice president of the FBI-Dallas Citizens’ Academy Alumni Association.
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