Additional Information on MIFTAH

Additional Information on MIFTAH

Additional Information on MIFTAH


* MIFTAH’s Democracy and Good Governance program also sponsors town hall meetings and TV/radio talk shows to help Palestinians learn about political issues relevant to their lives. And it advocates a “Gender-Responsive National Budget” that promotes “strategies for women’s participation in economic decision-making.”

* MIFTAH commonly misrepresents facts and figures so as to cast Israel in a bad light. Once, the organization charged that that 123 “Palestinian activists and political figures” had been “assassinated” by Israeli “death squads,” when in fact the overwhelming majority of those victims (who were killed by the IDF) were military combatants and known terrorists. In another case, MIFTAH, ignoring documented evidence that Palestinian militants routinely expropriated medical vehicles in order to transport weapons and even suicide bombers, recklessly asserted that Israel had conducted 216 unprovoked “attacks on ambulances.”

* On April 17, 2007, MIFTAH used the occasion of Palestinian Prisoners Day to issue a press release accusing Israel of misusing administrative detention to impose “collective punishment” on the “hundreds of thousands of Palestinians [who] have endured the dismal conditions of Israeli prisons.”

* After Israel (in December 2008) launched Operation Cast Lead, a military reprisal for Hamas’s relentless terrorism campaign, MIFTAH condemned “this latest massacre” which had “claimed the lives of mostly civilians including women and children.”

* In 2010 MIFTAH identified Israel’s repeated use of “grotesque military violence” and its “denial of the right to self-determination of the Palestinian people” as “the root causes of the violence” in the Middle East.

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