* Previously married and divorced, Chabon wed Ayelet Waldman in 1993. They have four children and reside in Berkeley, California.
* Following is a list of books that Chabon has authored (or edited):
1991: A Model World
1995: Wonder Boys
1999: Werewolves in Their Youth
2000: The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay
2002: Summerland
2004: Michael Chabon Presents: The Amazing Adventures of the Escapist
2004: The Final Solution
2005: The Mysteries Of Pittsburgh
2007: The Yiddish Policemen’s Union
2007: Gentleman of the Road: A Tale of Adventure
2008: Maps & Legends: Reading and Writing Along the Borderlands.
2009: Manhood for Amateurs: The Pleasures and Regrets of a Husband, Father and Son
2010: People of the Book: A Decade of Jewish Science Fiction & Fantasy
2011: The Astonishing Secret of Awesome Man
2012: Telegraph Avenue
2015: Casanova: Acedia Volume 1
2016: Moonglow
2017: Kingdom of Olives and Ash (Edited by Michael Chabon and Ayelet Waldman)
2017: The Escapists
2017: Casanova: Acedia Volume 2