Additional Information on Melina Abdullah

Additional Information on Melina Abdullah

Additional Information on Melina Abdullah


* A list of Melina Abdullah’s academic and community awards as well as her professional memberships can be found on her CSULA faculty page by clicking here.

* Abdullah earned a bachelor’s degree in African-American Studies from Howard University in 1994, and a Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Southern California in 2002.

* Abdullah wrote the Foreword for Halford Fairchild’s 2017 book Black Lives Matter: Lifespan Perspectives.

* Aside from her doctoral dissertation at the University of Southern California, it appears that Abdullah has produced no other publications of her own.

* Abdullah resides in Los Angeles with her three children. In May 2017, she brought all three to a Police Commission meeting, where, during the public comment session, Abdullah’s 10-year-old daughter told LAPD Chief Charlie Beck: “Lots of people have died because of you. I think it’s horrible that you don’t care what you have done, and killed so many young children.” During that same session, Abdullah’s 13-year-old daughter told the LAPD commissioners: “I don’t know who to call anymore when I need help. We see incident upon incident of people who call the police for help and end up being shot to death.” And Abdullah’s 7-year-old son told the police: “You’re supposed to protect and serve. It’s more like you’re protecting and serving yourselves.”

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