Additional Information on Louis Farrakhan

Additional Information on Louis Farrakhan

Additional Information on Louis Farrakhan


● At an October 24, 1989 press conference which he dubbed “The Great Announcement,” Farrakhan detailed what he claimed had been his experience with an unidentified flying object (UFO) four years earlier. He said:

“… [I]n calling this press conference, I am calling you because of the serious nature of the Announcement that I am about to make; an Announcement on which hangs the future of this nation, its leaders and the people of America…. In a tiny town in Mexico called Tepoztlán, there is a mountain on the top of which is the ruins of a temple dedicated to Quetzalcoatl—the Christ-figure of Central and South America; a mountain which I have climbed several times.  However, on the night of September 17, 1985, I was carried up on that mountain, in a Vision-Like Experience, with a few friends of mine. As we reached the top of the mountain, a Wheel, or what you call an ‘unidentified flying object’, appeared at the side of the mountain and I was called from The Wheel, to come up into The Wheel. Three metal legs appeared from The Wheel, giving me the impression that it was going to land, but it never came over the mountain. Being somewhat afraid, I called to the members of my party to come with me, but a voice from The Wheel spoke saying, ‘Not them; just you.’  I was told to relax and a beam of light came from The Wheel and I was carried up on this beam of light into The Wheel. I sat next to the pilot, however, I could not see him—I could only feel his presence. As The Wheel lifted off from the side of the mountain, moving at a terrific speed, I knew I was being transported to The Great Mother Wheel, or ‘The Mother Plane’, which is a human-built planet, a half-mile by a half-mile, which the Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us of for over 60 years. The pilot, knowing that I was fearful of seeing this great, mechanical object in the sky, maneuvered his craft in such a way that I would not see The Mother Plane and then backed quickly into it and docked in a tunnel.  I was escorted by the pilot to a door and admitted into a room.

“I shall not bother you with a description of the room, but suffice it to say that at the center of the ceiling was a speaker, and through this speaker I heard the voice of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad speaking to me as clearly as you hear my voice this morning. He spoke in short cryptic sentences; and as he spoke, a scroll full of cursive writing rolled down in front of my eyes—but it was a projection of what was being written in my mind! As I attempted to read the cursive writing, which was in English, the scroll disappeared and the Honorable Elijah Muhammad began to speak to me again. He said, and I quote: ‘President Reagan has met with the Joint Chiefs of Staff to plan a war. I want you to hold a press conference in Washington, D.C., and make known their plan—and say to the world that you got the information from me, Elijah Muhammad, on The Wheel.’  He said to me that he would not permit me to see him at that time; but he said that I had ‘one more thing to do’, and when that one more thing was done, I could come again to The Wheel, and I would be permitted to see him face to face. He then dismissed me; and I entered the small Wheel and the pilot—whom I still could not see—moved the craft out of the tunnel and took it up to a terrific height and maneuvered his craft that I might look down upon The Mother Wheel, and I saw a city in the sky. With great speed it brought me back to earth and dropped me off near Washington where I then proceeded into this city to make The Announcement. After I awakened that night, that Vision-Like Experience seemed to vanish from my mind. However, on the morning of September 19, 1985, a great earthquake struck Mexico City—on the Richter scale it was ‘8.1’—and it was felt as far away as Tepoztlán, the little town where I was staying. The earthquake eventually brought the vision forcibly to my mind; and I spoke it later that morning for the first time to my wife, Khadijah Farrakhan Muhammad, and to Sister (Mother) Tynnetta Muhammad, in the city of Cuernavaca, in Morales, Mexico.”

● In June 2012, Farrakhan verbalized his high regard for the Church of Scientology (COS), the religious cult founded by the late science fiction writer L. Ron Hubbard. The connection between NOI and COS first became apparent in 2006, when the latter honored Farrakhan at that year’s Ebony Awakening Awards ceremony. Farrakhan’s interest in COS initially focused on Scientology’s controversial drug-rehabilitation program, known as Narconon, which was first brought to NOI mosques in Los Angeles at approximately that same time. Known for its harsh methodologies, the program claims to detoxify its subjects through vigorous exercise, hours in a sauna, and the ingestion of minerals, oils and vitamins.

Further, Farrakhan openly touts the use of “Dianetics,” a pseudoscience described by Hubbard as a ”spiritual-healing technology” that helps people to overcome the subconscious forces that compromise their physical, psychological, and moral well-being. Various NOI reports claim that between 700 and 1,000 NOI members have become Certified Hubbard Dianetics Auditors, who are trained to help people achieve higher levels of consciousness via methods reassembling a blend of confession, psychotherapy, and hypnosis.

According to Farrakhan, Hubbard’s teachings can help heal “the hurt and sickness of my people”; i.e., the pain inflicted upon them by a racist world. COS also has the potential to “civilize” white people and prevent them from becoming “devil Christians” and “Satan Jews,” adds Farrakhan. “We are Muslims, but if Scientology will help us be better, then I want the technology of this to help us to be better Muslims,” he says.

Notably, Hubbard was reputedly a racist who thought poorly of blacks. Regarding this, Farrakhan says: “I wouldn’t care…. I found a tool that I know can help us, and I thank God for Mr. L. Ron Hubbard and I thank God for his research and teaching. He’s gone on now. So if he was a racist, that went in the ground. But I didn’t find racism in his book. If he was a hater, that went in the ground, but I didn’t find hate in his books. If he wanted nothing to do with black people, well maybe that’s in the ground.”













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