Additional Information on John Lewis

Additional Information on John Lewis

Additional Information on John Lewis


* In 2007, John Lewis was one of 90 Members of Congress who signed an open letter to President Bush, stating: “We will only support appropriating funds for U.S. military operations in Iraq during Fiscal Year 2008 and beyond for the protection and safe redeployment of all our troops out of Iraq before you leave office.” The letter was initiated by the Peace Pledge Coalition, an alliance led by such notables as Medea Benjamin, Bill Fletcher, Kevin Zeese, and representatives of the Progressive Democrats of America,,, Velvet Revolution, and the Backbone Campaign.

* Lewis endorsed Robert Creamer‘s 2009 bookListen to Your Mother: Stand Up Straight — How Progressives Can Win.

* At one time, Lewis served as an honorary president of Americans for Democratic Action, along with such notables as Barney FrankJim McDermottGeorge McGovern, and Charles Rangel.

* In 2011, President Barack Obama awarded Lewis the Presidential Medal of Freedom, one of dozens of prestigious awards and honorary degrees bestowed upon the civil rights icon.

* On August 24, 2012, Women’s Action for New Directions(WAND) celebrated the 10th anniversary of its Stand for Peace, which had called for an end to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, reductions in U.S. military spending, and increased expenditures on social welfare programs and environmental initiatives. Several Democratic Socialists of America members were present at this anniversary event.

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