Additional Information on Joe Feagin

Additional Information on Joe Feagin

Additional Information on Joe Feagin


* Feagin was born in San Angelo, Texas and was raised in Houston. After graduating from Baylor University in 1960, he enrolled in Harvard’s social relations (sociology) program, eventually earning his doctorate there in 1966. That same year, he took a job as an assistant professor at the University of California (Riverside), and taught there for four years. From 1970-1974 he was an associate professor of sociology at the University of Texas (Austin). In 1974-1975 he was the Scholar-in-Residence at the U.S. Civil Rights Commission. And from 1975-1990 he was a full professor of sociology at UT Austin. In 1990 he was hired as the graduate research professor in sociology at the University of Florida, where he stayed until 2004, at which time he moved on to Texas A&M.

* Professor is the author or co-author of many books on issues related to racism and sexism, including Ghetto Revolts (1973); Living with Racism: The Black Middle Class Experience (1994); White Racism: The Basics (1995); The Agony of Education: Black Students at White Colleges and Universities (1996); Double Burden: Black Women and Everyday Racism (1998); The New Urban Paradigm (1998); Racist America: Roots, Current Realities and Future Reparations (2001); Racial and Ethnic Relations (seventh edition was released in 2002); and White Men on Race: Power, Privilege, and the Shaping of Social Consciousness (2004). Ghetto Revolts was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize. Living with Racism and White Racism each won the Gustavus Myers Center’s “Outstanding Human Rights Book” Award.

* Apart from his teaching duties, Professor Feagan also offers his services as a consultant on matters of racism. He writes, “I am available for legal and other consulting on the basis of my research work in these areas: racial discrimination affecting black and Latino Americans in employment, business, and housing; the impact of racism on children; the many psychological, physical, and family costs of racism for African Americans; the views of white Americans on racial issues; the experiences of black officers in historically white police departments; and gendered racism facing women of color.”

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