Additional Information on James Clyburn

Additional Information on James Clyburn

Additional Information on James Clyburn

* One of the more significant votes Clyburn has cast as a congressman was his February 2007 opposition to President Bush’s so-called troop “surge”—the ultimately pivotal and dramatically successful deployment of some 21,500 additional U.S. soldiers to Iraq. In an August 2007 interview with the Washington Post, Clyburn was asked what his party would do if General David Petraeus, the commander in charge of the surge, were to issue a report saying that the new strategy was effectively quelling the Iraqi insurgency. Recognizing that such a report would inevitably impede Democrats’ efforts to garner congressional support for defunding the war, Clyburn said: “Well, that would be a real big problem for us, no question about that.”

* When former President Bill Clinton likened presidential candidate Barack Obama‘s 2008 Democratic primary victory in South Carolina to former candidate Jesse Jackson‘s primary victory there twenty years earlier, Clyburnconcluded that Clinton’s remarks were embedded with a racist intent to diminish Obama’s achievement.

* When the Democratic Party in 2008 nominated Barack Obama as its first black presidential nominee, Clyburn said: “I thought this day would come, but I didn’t think I’d live to see it. I got home, and I was so emotional I couldn’t feel myself. I was numb.”

* In a September 2012 interview, Clyburn said: “I think that the reason Democrats and Republicans seem to be so different when it comes to faith issues is because Democrats, by and large, have always been pretty strict adherents to the Constitution. We believe in the separation of church and state.”

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