Additional Information on Huwaida Arraf

Additional Information on Huwaida Arraf

Additional Information on Huwaida Arraf

* As a junior in college, Arraf attended the Hebrew University in Jerusalem; she also studied the Hebrew language on a Kibbutz.

* In 2004, Arraf co-edited the book Peace Under Fire, a collection of personal accounts by ISM volunteers.

* In 2006 Arraf spent three months as an Ella Baker intern at the Center for Constitutional Rights. In 2007 she served four months as a legal intern in the office of Democratic Congressman James Moran, where she prepared memoranda and talking points to support the closure of the U.S. detention facility at Guantanamo Bay. And in 2007-08 Arraf worked as a clinical legal supervisor at Al-Quds University’s Human Rights Clinic in Jerusalem.

* In June 2007 on  the West Lawn of the U.S. Capitol, Arraf spoke at a rally commemorating the 40th anniversary of the Six-Day War. In the course of her remarks, she said that America’s pro-Israel policies constituted “the most egregious historical error this country has made.”

* Over the years, Arraf has served on the advisory board of KinderUSA and the steering committee of the U.S. Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation. She was once on the list of speakers that Global Exchange made available for politically oriented events. And she has been arrested more than a dozen times for participating in anti-Israel protests in the West Bank and Gaza.

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