Additional Information on G.K. Butterfield

Additional Information on G.K. Butterfield

Additional Information on G.K. Butterfield


* In 2007, Butterfield was one of 90 Members of Congress who signed an open letter delivered to President Bush, stating: “We will only support appropriating funds for U.S. military operations in Iraq during Fiscal Year 2008 and beyond for the protection and safe redeployment of all our troops out of Iraq before you leave office.” The letter was initiated by the Peace Pledge Coalition, an alliance led by such notables as Medea Benjamin, Bill Fletcher, Kevin Zeese, and representatives of the Progressive Democrats of America,,, Velvet Revolution, and the Backbone Campaign.

* Early in the 2008 election season, Butterfield supported Democratic candidate John Edwards for U.S. President. After Edwards dropped out of the race, Butterfield served as an unofficial state campaign chair for Barack Obama.

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