Additional Information on Frank Pallone

Additional Information on Frank Pallone

Additional Information on Frank Pallone


* Frank Pallone consistently receives high ratings—usually between 85 and 100 percent—from a wide array of left-wing advocacy groups such as the Hispanic Federation (Labor Council For Latin American Advancement, League of United Latin American CitizensMi Familia VotaNational Council of La Raza, and Voto Latino); NARAL Pro-Choice America; the Sierra ClubDefenders of Wildlife, and the Humane Society of the United States; the Human Rights Campaign; the Drum Major Institute; the ACLUAmericans for Democratic Action; the NAACP; the Council for a Livable WorldPeace ActionWomen’s Action for New Directions; the League of Conservation Voters; the United Food & Commercial WorkersPlanned Parenthood; the SEIU; the National Education Association; the AFL-CIOAFSCME; the American Immigration Lawyers Association; the Children’s Defense Fund; and the National Organization for Women.

* As matters of principle, Pallone strongly believes that:

  • all women should have an unrestricted right to taxpayer-funded abortion-on-demand;
  • private employers should be legally required to implement affirmative-action hiring and promotion policies that give preferenceto nonwhites and women;
  • Obamacare is a valuable piece of legislation that ought to serve as a first step toward the eventual adoption of a single-payer healthcare system administered entirely by the federal government;
  • Social Security should remain wholly and permanently under federal control, giving individuals no latitude whatsoever to investany of their benefits in private-sector vehicles;
  • school voucher programs are harmful overall because they divertmoney away from public education systems that need it badly;
  • citizens’ access to firearms should be restricted by whatever means possible;
  • high earners should pay much higher tax rates than people who earn less;
  • all U.S. residents should have access to publicly funded social services regardless of immigration status,
  • the American immigration system should be reformed in a manner that offers amnesty and a path-to-citizenship for those currently residing in the country illegally;
  • voter ID laws are unjust because they tend to suppress minority voting;
  • the federal government can play a major role in rescuing a foundering economy, by injecting mass sums of money into infrastructure and federal jobs programs; and
  • the best strategies for addressing the problem of climate change include: the imposition of carbon taxes on all industries; massive federal spending on the development of wind and solar energy technology; and the raising of CAFE standards for all vehicles manufactured in the U.S.—a practice that has compromised the structural integrity of vehicles and has led directly to the deaths of thousands of additional drivers each year.
  • For additional information on Pallone’s issue positions and voting records, click herehere, and here.
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