Additional Information on Erica Jong

Additional Information on Erica Jong

Additional Information on Erica Jong


* Jong has taught writing and literature courses at a number of colleges and universities around the world, including the City University of New York, Bennington College, the University of Maryland’s Overseas Division, the Breadloaf Writers Conference in Vermont, the Salzburg Seminar in Austria, and Ben Gurion University in Israel.

* In 1996 Jong endowed her alma mater, Barnard College, with a $100,000 fund called the “Erica Mann Jong ’63 Writing Fellows Fund” to support young women writers.

* While Jong says she is “enormously proud of the history of the Jews,” she describes herself as “not an observant Jew.”

* In a November 2011 opinion piece, Jong derided America’s “orgy of motherphilia,” which she said was characterized by “movie stars [who] proudly display their baby bumps”; “the shiny magazines at the checkout counter [that] never tire of describing the joys of celebrity parenthood”; the cult of “attachment parenting” where “you wear your baby, sleep with her and attune yourself totally to her needs”; and “helicopter parenting,” typified by “the smothering surveillance of a child’s every experience and problem.”

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