Additional Information on EarthShare

Additional Information on EarthShare

Additional Information on EarthShare


* In the summer of 2005, EarthShare released a number of radio Public Service Announcements (PSAs) recorded by actress Patricia Clarkson “on the alleged impact of environmentally induced health threats to America’s children.” The ads identified these threats as “pesticides and other toxins that may be found in schools,” “mercury in our food chain,” and the “childhood obesity epidemic.” Created and produced by EarthShare’s pro bono ad agency, Foote, Cone & Belding-Chicago, such PSAs had been distributed to thousands of media outlets each year since 1992.

* As of May 2006, EarthShare’s PSA campaign had received more than $505 million in donated media space (in print publications) and time (on the air) since its inception. Among the media outlets that had run EarthShare PSAs for free were CNN, NBC, CBS, Sports Illustrated, U.S. News & World Report,Popular Science, Cosmopolitan, People, InStyle, The New Yorker,Entertainment Weekly, Time, The New York Times, and many others.

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