Additional Information on David Cortright

Additional Information on David Cortright

Additional Information on David Cortright


* David Cortright has written or edited 17 books, including Soldiers in Revolt: GI Resistance During the Vietnam War (2005); Uniting Against Terror: Cooperative Nonmilitary Responses to the Global Terrorist Threat (2007, co-edited with George A. Lopez); Peace: A History of Movements and Ideas(2008); Gandhi and Beyond: Nonviolence for a New Political Age (2009); Towards Nuclear Zero (2010, with Raimo Väyrynen); and Ending Obama’s War (2011).

* Cortright and George A. Lopez together wrote or edited a series of works on multilateral sanctions, including Smart Sanctions (2002), Sanctions and the Search for Security (2002), and The Sanctions Decade (2000).

* Cortright edited The Price of Peace: Incentives and International Conflict Prevention (1997).

* Cortright has conducted research for the foreign ministries of Canada, Sweden, Switzerland, Japan, Germany, Denmark and the Netherlands. He also has consulted and advised agencies of the United Nations, the Carnegie Commission on Preventing Deadly Conflict, the International Peace Academy, and the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation.

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