Additional Information on David Corn

Additional Information on David Corn

Additional Information on David Corn


* When President Barack Obama‘s “green jobs czar,” Van Jones, resigned in 2009 amid controversy over the fact that he had once signed a “9/11 Truth Statement” suggesting that the Bush-Cheney administration had either orchestrated the 9/11 attacks or allowed them to happen, Corn lamented that “the federal government will now be spending about $80 billion on green economy initiatives without the guiding hand of one of the most knowledgeable experts in this field … a public servant who was uniquely qualified to help move the country in the right direction.”

* In April 2013, Corn sparked controversy by releasing an illegally-obtained audio recording (along with a complete transcript) of a private strategy meeting wherein Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and his staff had discussed ways to discredit a possible campaign opponent, actress Ashley Judd. The recording was made by Curtis Morrison, a former volunteer for the left-wing SuperPAC, Progress Kentucky, which was created to oppose McConnell’s re-election. Morrison admitted to having recorded the meeting with a pocket camera from outside McConnell’s office door.

* Over the years, Corn’s writings have appeared in such publications as the Washington PostNew York TimesLos Angeles TimesPhiladelphia Inquirer,Boston GlobeNewsdayNew RepublicWashington MonthlyLA Weekly,Village VoiceThe,, and Huffington Post.

* Corn has done commentaries for National Public Radio,BBC Radio, CBC Radio, and Pacifica Radio. And he has appeared in a few films produced by documentary propagandist Robert Greenwald. For example, he played prominent roles in Greenwald’s Uncovered: The Whole Truth About the Iraq War (2003); The World According to Bush (2004); and Uncovered: The War on Iraq (2004).

* In September 2003, Corn published The Lies of George W. Bush: Mastering the Politics of Deception. In 2006 he co-authored (with Michael Isikoff) Hubris: The Inside Story of Spin, Scandal, and the Selling of the Iraq War. And in March 2012, Corn published Showdown: The Inside Story of How Obama Fought Back Against Boehner, Cantor, and the Tea Party.

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